Grade IX-French

Year plan for IX ICSE 2019-2020

                JUNE: Le passé compose avec les verbe être

                           Le future proche

                           Le passé recent

                          Révision sur les adjectifs

                          L’adjectif demonstrative

                         L’adjectif possessif

                         Décrire une personne

                         Les verbes recevoir et s’asseoir

                          Le  futur

               July:  Le pronom relative simple que, qui et ou

                         Le comparative , le superelatif

                         Vocabulaire: maison , la classe,  loisirs et


                        Des cartes postales, une lettre

                        Ecrivez un dialogue.

     August: Révision


   September: L’imparfait

                        Le conditionnel present

                       Le pronom ‘y’ et le pronom ‘en’
                       Décrivez l’image
                       Si + présent + present

                       Si + present + future

                       Si + imparfait+ conditionnel present

                       Les verbes: mourir,courir, ouvrir et offrir

  October: Les pronoms d’objet direct

                  Les pronoms d’objet indirect

                  Les pronoms tonique

                  Les pronoms interrogatifs

                  Continuez l’histoire

                  Ecrivez sur un sujet

Novembre: Revision

                    Traduisez en anglais

                    Traduisez en français

                    Ecrivez le dialogue

                    Ecrivez une lettre

   December: SA-2

  January: Revision

 February: Final exam.


YEAR PLAN 20192020
Grade – IX - GERMAN
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: Class tests by the end of every month, except for October and March.
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
AIM:  To make the student understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography). To make him/her able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING:  The student will be able to communicate in areas of most immediate relevance such as personal and family information, local geography, hobbies, profession etc. in a simple and basic manner.
GENERAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To make the student capable to respond to areas of immediate relevance through speech, writing and by understanding a written text or a speech.
Projects/ Field trips: Quiz, Creative Writing, German Story book making/ Description of fitness activities, German Day celebration, Chart/Placard making

Session One - JUNE TO OCTOBER 2019

Specific Learning Objectives
Skills developed/acquired

June ‘19

Lesson 15
·   Lesson 16
·   Animals
·   Keeping of pets
·   Script writing

·   Grammar- Past tense- ‘Perfekt’ with ‘haben’, diminutive form, Modal verb ‘können’ , Rules of Paste tense in ‘Perfekt’ (with ‘haben’ and ‘sein’), irregular verbs, Simple past tense of ‘sein’ verb, Possessive articles ‘unser’ and ‘euer’ in accusative and nominative, the indefinite pronoun ‘man’
·   Use of Idioms, to encourage someone to do something, to clarify something, describe an animal, responsibilities of owning a pet,  understanding the advertisements in a newspaper, Plan a trip, make arrangements at home, Rules for keeping pets, long conversations about ones pets
·   Composition ‘Children & Pets’
·   Role play- Scene chosen from ‘Zum Schluss’ Pg 115
·   Chart making- Rules for ‘keeping of animals’

·      Looking into oneself for Self-awareness (Social & Emotional skills)
·      Ability to convert thoughts to words (Communicative skill)
·      Kindling the love and care for other beings
·      Understanding the need to be responsible (Social & Emotional skills)

July ‘19

·   Lesson 17
·   School trip/ study tour
·   FID A2- L1

·    Grammar- Imperative in polite form, ‘Es gibt’ + accusative
·   To orientate oneself, to ask for help, to state the permissions and prohibitions, to describe a building and its surroundings, house regulations
·    Talk about one’s house/school (building and surrounding)
·   Chart making- Rules in Classroom & School

·   Ability to orientate oneself (developing a mathematical space sense)
·   Understand why it is important to obey the rules (Social skill)

August ‘19
·   Lesson 18
·   FID A2- L2
·   Grammar- Simple past tense  ‘haben’ and ‘sein’, ‘Perfekt’ form of verbs, Imperative, Comparative and Superlative forms of adjectives
·   To justify something, to give a reason why something has happened, Free-time activities, understand and explain the rules of games
·   Talk about a situation provided
·   Respond to the instructions read for certain physical activities
·   Talk instantly about a situation (Imaginative & Language skill)
·   Listening and understanding instructions

September ‘19
·   Lesson 19
·   Revision

·   Grammar- Personal pronoun in Dative
·   To explain about a person’s well-being, Body parts, diseases and illness, Explain the looks of a person
·   Revision on all the above topics
·   PROJECT -Write in detail a posture or a whole exercise for Fitness-training. Read those out loud while others move their body accordingly
·   Psycho test (Pg 20)
·   Exam oriented works –Composition, Email/letter writing, Comprehension, Translation, Dialogue writing

·    Ability to convert thoughts to words (Language & Communicative skill)
·   Psycho test (Emotional skill)

October ‘19

·   FID A2- L3,
·   Improving the reading, listening, writing and speaking skills through thematic exercises

·   Theme-wise vocabulary collection
·   Understanding German the way native Germans speak and write.
Session Two November 2019 - March 2020

November ‘19

·   Lesson 20
·   FID A2- L4
·   Grammar- Interrogative Pronoun in nominative and accusative, Comparison sentences using ‘wie’ and ‘als’, Dependant clause using ‘weil’ 
·   To express ones preference on something, to compare people and things, explain the experience one had, Different Sports, to meet with an accident and situation in a hospital
·    Comprehension- Passage on Football tournament
·    Placard- Variety Sports
·    Speaking exercise- Pick a ‘happening’ and spontaneously say a reason (‘weil’ sentences)
·    Comprehension (Language & Cognitive skill)
·    Spontaneous speaking (Reasoning skill)
·    Placard (Broadening their horizon)

December ‘19

·   Lesson 21
·   Zum Schluss
·   FID A2- L5

·   Grammar- Definite article in dative, Personal pronoun in accusative and dative

·    Video on German cuisine
·    Christmas special song & video
·    Understanding and acquiring a sense of similarity and difference in culture(cuisine) between two countries (Communicative skill & Social development)

January ‘20

·   Lesson 21 (continued)
·   FID A2- L6

·   To invite someone to one’s home, to make a formal and informal invitation card for an event, to order in a Restaurant, to express ones preferences in food, German Cuisine
·    Write your Grandmother an Email saying how it was to have a foreigner as guest at home
·    Make an Invitation card for a specific event (PROJECT Work)

·    Invitation card (Social skill)
·    Understanding and acquiring a sense of similarity and difference in culture(cuisine) between two countries (Communicative skill & Social development)

February ‘20

·   Lesson 22
·   Revision
·   FID A2- L7, Modellsatz
·   Grammar- Interrogative pronoun in dative, Indicating time using the prepositions ‘vor’ and ‘nach’ + dative
·   To talk about ones school and its rooms, school system, subjects, marks, vacation etc, Schooling in Germany and elsewhere, Daily routine
·    Role Play- Q&A session
·    Exam oriented works – Composition, Email/letter writing, Comprehension, Translation, Dialogue writing
·    Acting in front of an audience (Social skill & gross motor skill)
·    Checking the long term memory and re-anchoring the topics through revision

Facilitators’ name: Devi Balan
Textbook: Planet A1, Planet A2
Resources: Worksheets provided from the German Institute (Goethe-Zentrum, Trivandrum), Mit Erfolg zum Fit In Deutsch A2, Hallo Deutsch- Module1&2, Module3&4, Team Deutsch, Schritt für Schritt ins Grammatikland

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