
  YEAR PLAN 2019– 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019to March 2020
Continuous assessments: June, July, August, September, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Aim: To experience life at different stages through great works of literature that illustrate human relationships, conflicts, struggles, cultural influences etc.
General Objectives:
To enable them to become active readers who can articulate their own interpretations with an awareness and curiosity for other perspectives                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
To gain a knowledge of the major traditions of literature written in English                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
To develop an appreciation of how the formal elements of language and genre shape meaning                                                                                                                                   
To communicate confidently and effectively in spoken and written language in a wide range of situations
To enable students to use better language
The Selfish Giant

To a Butterfly

ü  nurtures the sensitivity towards the differently-abled
ü  Identifies the clauses
ü  Appreciates nature and childhood
ü  uses positive, comparative and superlative degrees of comparison

Discussion on Joy of sharing.

Recite, discuss ways to care for and appreciate nature
Dependent and Independent Clauses
Degrees of comparison
Fun with Grammar Units 1 - 4

Story writing (HW)

Write an argumentative essay

Bravo Manju! 

A Grain as Big as a Hen’s Egg

ü  Nurtures the sensitivity towards the differently abled.
ü  Forms simple, compound and complex sentences
ü  Understands more about a parable and a comedy
ü  Understands subject verb agreement.
Reading out loud and explanation. 
Written comprehension

Project 1
Simple, compound and complex sentences
Subject-verb agreement
Fun with Grammar Units 5 - 9

A narrative composition 

Formal Letter (HW)
Harold: Our Hornbill

Rain in Summer

ü  Learns the most endearing qualities of one’s pets 
ü  uses auxiliary verbs in sentences
ü  Appreciates beauty of nature while it rains
ü  Identifies the parts of a sentence
Reciting a poetry
Composing a short paragraph
Auxiliary verbs

Parts of a sentence
Fun with Grammar Units 10 - 14

Mind mapping
Personal Account (HW)

Descriptive Composition
The Nightingale and the Glow-worm

ü  Identifies the finite and non-finite verbs
ü  Draws parallels between flattery and behaviour of human beings
ü  uses the right conjunctions
Reading out loud and interpretation
Written comprehension
Finite and non-finite verbs
Fun with Grammar Units 15 & 16

Comprehension passage –The Signal I
Revision and Summative Assessment 1
The Tempest

The Milkman of India

ü Learns more about adventures
ü  Changes the voice
ü  Understands the commitment and service to society
ü  Reports speeches
Reading out loud and interpretation 
Written comprehension
Active Passive voice
Direct indirect speech

Fun with Grammar Units 17 - 19

Short Story (HW)

Informal Letter

Learning to be a Lady

Friends and Flatterers

ü Understands a musical play filled with humour
ü identifies the adverbial clause
ü Identifies the difference between friends and flatterers
ü uses the right adverbial clauses
Written comprehension
Use of adverbs

Project 2
Adverb clauses

Fun with Grammar Units 20 & 21


Descriptive composition
Getting ready for adventures

ü  Distinguishes fact from fiction
ü  uses the right prepositions
Reading out loud and interpretation 
Written comprehension


Fun with Grammar Units 22 & 23

Reading lessons-comprehension
March 2020
Summative Assessment II
1.     Write a biography of a differently-abled personality – Bravo Manju
2.     Make a Comic Strip -Pygmalion
Facilitator:  MrsSoorya Gayathri, MrsChithira Alin Kurien, MrsKamaleswari T R
Text books: New Gem’s English Reader (Course Book) 7Publisher: Ratna Sagar, Fun with Grammar:KNAggarwala


YEAR PLAN 2019 - 2020
Grade VII HINDI 2nd Language
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: June, July, August, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Aim: To develop the skills to communicate with others and express oneself in Hindi.
Enduring Understanding:  An open and rich understanding about people who have a different culture and language.
Objectives: A student reads, writes, comprehends and speaks in Hindi at a level suitable to his/her age.
Session One – June - October 2019
Specific objectives
Letters and character   combinations
To recall the letters of the alphabet
Play games with pictures and letters
Flash cards, Text book

Basic conversations
Comprehend and to be able to converse
Role play - on given situations
Various grammar books
Chamkte Sithare(Assignment)
Appreciate the tone and rhythm;understand the impotance of prayer and God.
Ceative writing.
Recite the poem
Reading in groups.
Write about famous sport personalities.
Text book
Nayi Baal sulabh Mala.

Story-Soch Vichar kar kaam karna

Khar ka Chirag

Build vocabulary
Motivates you to have faith in one’s abilities and fulfil the expectations of people.

Reading aloud
Write a paragraph on your Ambition.
Text book

Nayi Baal sulabh Mala.
Story –
Eiffel tower
Importance of monuments .
Letter Writing.
Nayi Baal sulabh Mala.

Comparative and superlative.
Mind mapping
Making dialogues
Discussion about Onam
Write a few sentences and draw pictures.

Nayi Baal sulabh Mala.

Vidya pane ki Lalasa

Be able to tell a story in Hindi.

Importance of language in Human Life.

Story telling
Make poster- Water
Text book
Nayi Baal sulabh Mala.

Build Vocabulary-Number names
Mind mapping
Text book
Nayi Baal sulabh Mala.
Session Two - November-March 2020
Story-Moral  Stories

Birbal the Wise
Appreciate stories with a moral.

Ceative writing –Stories based on values.
Nayi Baal sulabh Mala.
Conversation at a railway station
Be able to converse
Role play - given situation

Swatchatha ke Prathi Jagarukatha

Conversation between a Principal and a student

Learn to put sentences in order to make a story.

Mind mapping.
Text book
Nayi Baal sulabh Mala.
Dhilli ki yathra
To Know about the capital of India.
Nayi Baal sulabh Mala
Letter writing

Build vocabulary,
Be able to read without hesitation and with expression; and write answers
Creative writing
Reading in groups
Creative writing
Letter writing
Nayi Baal sulabh Mala

 Prakti aur manush                   

Queen of Jhansi

Understand the importance of Nature.
Appreciate the tone and rhythm

Writing dialogues
Nayi Baal sulabh Mala

Textbook: Nayi Baal sulabh Mala
Name of the facilitator: Mrs.Jayasree P S

Hindi VII 3rd lang

YEAR PLAN 2019 - 2020
Grade VII HINDI 3rd Language
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: June, July, August, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Aim: To develop the skills to communicate with others and express oneself in Hindi.
Enduring Understanding:  An open and rich understanding about people who have a different culture and language.
Objectives: A student reads, writes, comprehends and speaks in Hindi at a level suitable to his/her age.
Session One – June - October 2019
Specific objectives
Letters and character   combinations
To recall the letters of the alphabet
Play games with pictures and letters
Flash cards, Text book

Basic conversations
Comprehend and to be able to converse
Role play - on given situations
Various grammar books
Poem-(khilthe aur khelthe phul)
Appreciate the tone and rhythm; understand our country is better than heaven . should love their motherland and be proud to be Indians.

Recite the poem
Reading in groups
Make the national flag and write the importance of each colour
Text book
Hasthe gathe seekhem

Build vocabulary
Motivates you to have faith in one’s abilities and fulfil the expectations of people.

Reading aloud
Write a paragraph on your favourite person.
Text book

Hasthe gathe seekhem
Make sentences

Stories /poems
Use Idioms and be able to frame meaningful sentences

To listen with understanding and answer questions
Creative writing – write dialogues

View a CD - Stories and poems
Text book

Story –Dhadhi aur Potha

Appreciate stories with  morals.
Be able to tell a story in Hindi.
Story telling
Text book Hasthe gathe seekhem
Understand the importance of water.
Mind mapping
Making dialogues
Discussion about the topic water.
Write a few sentences and draw pictures.
Text book Hasthe gathe seekhem


Hum Harai Na Vo harai

Be able to tell a story in Hindi.

Combine the letters.
Story telling
Write a paragraph on your favourite criket player.
Text book
Hasthe gathe seekhe
Build Vocabulary-Number names
Mind mapping
Text book
Hasthe gathe seekhem
Session Two - November-March 2020

Appreciate the rhythm and pick out similar sounding words
Understand the importance of nature conservation.
Write the paragraph on Mahatma Gandhi-the father of our nation
Draw a poster on nature conservation
Text book
Hasthe gathe seekhem

Conversation at a railway station
Be able to converse
Role play - given situation

poem-Jaago aur Jagavo

Conversation between a Principal and a student

Composition: A library
Learn to put sentences in order to make a story.

Simple conversation

Understand the value of books, importance of reading
Creative writing
Draw a clock and write your daily routine according to the time
Role play
 Mind mapping
Composition writing
Text book
Hasthe gathe seekhem

Patriotic songs
Listen and enjoy
Listen  to patriotic songs
Hindi patriotic songs
Story-Kaam ke dhuni sridharan
To understand the moral code of conduct, learn the value of truthfulness
Role play-given situation
Text book
Puchana mali se
Picture composition
Understand the importance of developing a strong and good character
Writing dialogues

Hasthe gathe seekhem
Textbook: Hasthe gathe seekhem
Name of the facilitator: Mrs.Jayasree.p.s


The academic year is divided into two sessions

Session one: June 2019 to October 2019

Session two: November 2019- March 2019

Continuous assessments: July, August, December, January, February

Summative assessments I: October 2019

Summative assessments II: March 2020

Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment.

Endure Understanding: To achieve the confidence to use the language in real life situations.

Objectives: To express your ideas and negotiate your opinions through speaking, reading and writing.

Resource : Apprenons le français 3, Cahier d’exercices 3

Project : SAI - Au marché ( the shops)

               SA II - Les monuments célèbres en France

No.of periods

Method of teaching
Leçon 0 : La France, qu’est-ce que c’est ?

Leçon 1 : La rentrée

Leçon2 : Il est français ?
Ø  French culture
Ø  Greet a person
Ø  Talk about quantity
Ø  Answering in negative sentence
Ø  Description of a person
Ø  Children write words with each alphabet
Ø  Roleplay(greetings)
Ø  Description of best friend(adj)
Ø  Describe an ideal day(pronominal verbs)
Ø  Show the photos and videos of France
Ø  Asking questions and replying according to the preference( quantite)
Ø  Describing a child from the class(adj-mas,fem,plu)
Ø  Articles
Ø  Negative sentences
Ø  Adverbs of quantity
Ø  Agreement in gender and number of nouns and adjectives
Ø  Position of adjectives
Ø  Structure of sentence
Ø  Negative sentence
Ø  Speaking ang writing skills
Ø  Describe skills

Leçon3 : La journée de Mme  Lavigne
Leçon4 : Kalu est malade
Ø  One day routine
Ø  Telling time
Ø  Seasons
Ø  Asking about health
Ø  Animals
Ø  colours

Ø  Write the daily activity with time.
Ø  Differentiate each season
Ø  Asking questions (mode of interrogation)

Ø  by using clock(time)

Ø  show the photos of each season
Ø  show the pictures of animals

Ø  Pronominal verbs
Ø  The  cardinal and ordinal numbers
Ø  Three forms of interrogation
Ø  Expression with avoir

Ø  Pragmatic skills
Ø  Asking questions
Ø  Expressions with “avoir”
Leçon 5 : Faire les courses
Leçon 6 :M Lavigne cherche un manteau


Ø  Shopping

Ø  Cloths

Ø  Food

Ø  Roleplay (each magasins)
Ø  Find the route (localiser un objet)

Ø  Show the photos and videos of all kind of shops
Ø  Show the picture of currency
Ø  Game ( localiser un objet)

Ø  Interrogative adverbs
Ø  Savoir and connaitre
Ø  Prepositions
Ø  -yer verbs
Ø  Pragmatic skills
Ø  Following directions (route map)

Leçon 7 : Allons à Paris
Ø  Festivals of France
Ø  Usage of prepositions with places
Ø  Quiz (France)
Ø  Match the pictures of monuments and names
Ø  Photos and videos of France
Ø  Writing name and gender of countries
Ø  Prepositions before places
Ø  Nouns of countries
Ø  Nationalities

Ø  Describing a place
Ø  Social(Cultural) skills
Ø  Use places in a sentences






Leçon8 : Les photos de Manuel
Ø  Place

Ø  profession

Ø  Write about french festival, clothing foods etc

Ø  Sticking proper stickers
Ø  Showing videos and photos of festivals

Ø  Demonstrative adjectives
Ø  Demonstrating skills
Ø  Social(Cultural) skills


Leçon9 :Au café des Laurent
Leçon 10 : Encore une lettre de Rouen

Ø  Asking a dish

Ø  Letter writing

Ø  Making recipie of favourite dish
Ø  Writing friendly letter

Ø  Role play (in a cafeteria)
Ø  Reading and writing informal letter

Ø  Imperative sentences
Ø  Interrogative adjectives
Ø  Expressions with the verb faire
Ø  Ordering skills
Ø  Asking questions
Ø  Express activities
Leçon 11 : une journée bien chargée
Leçon 12 :une visite au parc d’attractions


Ø  An action  in the Past

Ø  Writing about last weekend
Ø  Formation of past participle

Ø  Describing an action in the past
Ø  Translation from English to French and vv
Ø  Story (connecting verbs with etre in passé compose)

Ø  Past tense(with avoir and with etre)
Ø  Differentiate the tenses

R          revision




YEAR PLAN 2019- 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, September, November, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks. .
General Objectives:  
·          To develop an understanding on the importance of cells and tissues in our lives.
·          To impart knowledge through the study of nature.
·          To recognize various kinds of tissues.
·          To develop an understanding of the functioning of the excretory and nervous systems in the human body.
·          To create an awareness on health and hygiene.
·          To understand the features that help organisms to adapt to their particular environment.
              SA1: Make picture cards of different organisms in the five kingdom classification and write their characteristics on another card.
               SAII:  Make a model(Working/Still) of an Organ system.
                                                                                    Session One June 2019 to October 2019
Specific learning objectives
June -July
Unit 1.Tissue
To distinguish between tissues.
To recognize,identify and draw figures of plant and animal tissues.
To recognize meristematic and permanent issues
To draw diagrams of different tissues and label them.
To classify the different types of animal tissues.
Observe different types of tissues in the microscope.
Identify various tissues.
Observe charts of plant and animal tissues.
Draw pictures of various tissues.
Identifying meristematic and permanent tissues in plants.
Identifying complex tissues in plants.
Recognizing the various animal tissues with the help of diagrams.
July -August

UNIT 2. The Kingdom classification I
To identify the purpose of classification.
Understanding the five kingdom classification.
To distinguish between major groups of organisms.
To recognize the various organisms of each kingdom.
List the useful and harmful effects of bacteria and fungi.
Visiting a nearby zoo or garden.
Children trying to classify plants and animals in their own way.
Identifying organisms with the help of their textbook.
Drawing pictures of organisms belonging to each kingdom.
Specimens from the laboratory are observed.
Charts, models and pictures from the net are observed.
Observe the plants in the school campus and  write its characteristics.
PPTs and videos on the five kingdom classification.
UNIT 3-The Kingdom Classification II
To understand the differences between Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
Identify the organisms of each Phylum.
Recognize the characteristics of each Phylum.
 Specimens from the laboratory are observed.
Charts, models and pictures from the net are observed.
Children trying to classify plants and animals in their own way.
Identifying organisms with the help of their textbook.
Drawing pictures of organisms belonging to each kingdom.
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
UNIT 4.Plant life
To identify the importance of leaves in photosynthesis.
To enlist the factors affecting photosynthesis.
To draw pictures of stomata and chloroplast.
To identify the difference between respiration and photosynthesis.
To be able to differentiate between anaerobic and aerobic respiration.

Children collect leaves of different colours and identify the pigment responsible.
Stomata and chloroplast are identified in the lab using a microscope.
Drawing pictures of chloroplast and stomata and label their parts.
The process of photosynthesis is represented in a flowchart model.
Permanent slides of leaves to identify stomata are observed.
PPTs and videos.
Experiments to demonstrate evolution of oxygen during photosynthesis.
Experiments to show the presence of starch.
Experiments on yeast to show anaerobic respiration.
December -January
Unit 5.Human body

To understand the importance of kidneys and the process of excretion.
To draw the outline figure of human body and mark the location of kidneys, lungs, and sweat glands.
Identifying the various parts of nervous system like brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
To be able to relate that all parts of the body are connected by nerves.
The nervous and excretory systems are explained with the help of charts.
Children draw diagrams of the nervous system and excretory system.
Model of the kidneys and nervous system can be made.
PPTs and videos.
Write about the different types of neural and urinary disorders.
Research on dialysis and renal transplantation.
Unit 6.Health and hygiene.
To define the terms allergens and allergy.
To identify the symptoms produced by allergens.
To understand the precautions to be taken if they suffer from any kind of allergies.
Discussion on allergens.
Enlisting causes of allergy.
Discussing various ways to keep one healthy and safe.
Discussing with a doctor about allergies and its treatments.
PPTs and videos.
Write about different types of allergies and its symptoms.
Facilitators: Mrs. Neethu Rani Joseph and Mrs. Sherine Suresh.
Name of the text book: Connect with Science ,Grade7 –Sangeetha Sinha
Approved  by the Principal


YEAR PLAN 2019- 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, September, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebook for Continuous Assessment marks.
Enduring Understanding: Living and non-living things are made up of atoms and molecules. There are physical and chemical changes happening all around us.
General Objectives:
·          Develop an understanding of the basic units of life.
·          Acquire knowledge of various chemical elements and compounds which are useful in daily life.
·          Learn to conduct experiments, handle equipments, make observations and draw conclusions.

·          Project: Depicting the process of artificial fruit ripening.
       Making fuel from waste plastic.
       Rusting in normal water vs salt water.
Session One: June – October 2019
Specific Learning Objectives

Atoms, Molecule and Radicals
Recalls the three states of matter & their properties.
Identifies first 20 elements, learns their valencies, atomicity.
Work out various examples related to the content, written work.
Drawing orbit structures of different elements, calculations on valency and formulae’s.
Text book, periodic table.
Language of chemistry
Recalls symbols, formulas of different elements and compounds.
 Learns valances and balancing the equations
Various examples are worked out. Discussions, written work, charts, word equations and skeleton equations.

Textbook, periodic table.
Elements ,compounds and Mixtures
Recalls elements, compounds, mixtures.
Identifies different methods of separation.
Discussions, demonstrations, chart work written work.
Session Two : November – March 2020
November and
Physical and Chemical Changes: Chemical Equations

Recalls the difference between physical and chemical changes, identifies a chemical equation and balancing it.
Demonstration on various examples of physical and chemical changes.
 Work out different chemical equation. Adequate practice in writing of balanced chemical equations.


Metals and non-metals
Recalls the physical properties of metals and non-metals, rusting of iron.
Power Point   presentations on metals and non-metals, discussion and wriiten work.
Air and Atmosphere
Review that air -is a mixture, its constituents
Proportion, significance and pollution.
Recalls the importance of nitrogen, inert gases, water vapour and its uses.
Demonstration of various experiments in lab.
Drawing diagrams on laboratory preparation of oxygen.
Writing chemical equations.
List out air purifying plants in our surroundings.

Facilitators: Jiny, Ashwini

Computer Applications

YEAR PLAN 2019 – 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
·          To become competent, confident, responsible and critical user of technology.
·          To develop the appropriate social skills that are essential for co-operative and collaborative learning.
·          To take ownership of their own learning.
·          To acquire knowledge and skills in using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to accomplish tasks, communicate, and facilitate activities.
·          To develop awareness in regard to the developments and emerging issues concerning computing and society;
·          To develop critical and analytical thinking skills for practical solutions.
·          To develop creative skills for problem solving.
Enduring Understanding:
Technology must be effectively used to simplify day to day processes, yet we must be aware that computers are not indispensable.
·          Understand the fundamental operations of a computer and the basic computer software.
·          To learn the Internet services
·          Use HTML to design attractive web pages.
·          Make presentations with text, pictures, animations, sound and other special effects.
·          Organize data using MS Excel
·          Program with QBASIC
·          Understand how to manage files of different formats.
Project:  Design a website on the theme
Session One: June – October 2019
Specific Learning Objectives
Life Skills
1.Computer – Hardware Components
·          recognize different components of a computer like SMPS, ports, MODEM and disc drives.
·          explain the usage of different components.
·          differentiate between external and internal hardware
·          Differentiating through demonstrations to children between internal and external hardware.
·          Explaining different components like Power supply(SMPS), Motherboard, Ports
·          Refer websites:
Awareness and Management skills
June/ July

·          Lists
·          Tables
·          Images
·          Hyperlinks
·          Explaining and discussing with children HTML, as a web designing tool, and its features.
·          Providing opportunities to each child to participate in project work to create webpage/website.
Developing skills of observation, problem solving, imagination and critical thinking
4: Ethics and Safety Measures in Computing
·          follow ethics in computing
·          identify online threats
·          identify positive and negative uses of social media
·          show responsible behaviour when using computer and internet
·          become responsible digital citizens
·          take care about the digital footprint being created by their online behaviour
·          Discussing with children various topics related to ethical and non-ethical issues and practices on the Internet while working on the computers.
·          Inculcating, among the children, the habit of ethical online conduct and responsible behavior while using information and technology.
·          Encouraging children to follow safety measures while using the computer and internet.
·          Refer websites:
Net Safety, Social intelligence, work ethics and interpersonal skills.
August/ September

5: Spreadsheets - An Introduction

·          define a spreadsheet
·          list the features and components of a spreadsheet
·          create a worksheet
·          identify the components of spreadsheet window
·          differentiate between a workbook and a worksheet
·          edit/format a worksheet.
·          Demonstrating to children the different components of a spread sheet along with discussion.
·          Using formatting features by children created on the spread sheets.
·          Discussion on advantages of spreadsheet and workbook.
creative thinking, analytical and deductive skills
Integration: Mathematics
·          To Revise for SA1
·          Written test
·          Lab test
·          Oral test
·          Open Book test

Session Two: November-March 2020
Specific Learning Objectives
Life Skills
8. Looping statements in QBASIC
·          Introduction to QBASIC
·          Parts of a loop
·          Types of loops
·          Exiting loops
·          Learn and practice few QBasic programs like while, for next, do loop.
Developing logical and  problem solving skills.
9. Programming in QBASIC Graphics & Sound
·          Various commands to draw shapes using QBASIC
·          Learn to draw shapes.
Developing logical  & problem solving skills.
3. Computer Virus
·          define a virus.
·          list different types of viruses.
·          follow standard measures to prevent virus attack.
·          identify symptoms of virus attack on a computer.
·          use a suitable antivirus software.
·          Illustrating different types of viruses (boot sector and program file virus with examples).
·          Discussing the different forms/types of viruses.
·          Demonstrating different ways to prevent virus attacks and asking children to replicate the same
Awareness and Management skills
2. Number System
·          Introduction to Number system
·          Digits and bases of different number systems.
·          Conversions from decimal to binary and vice versa.
·          Illustrating to children the various number systems
(Decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal)
Logical Thinking
January /
6: Database and DBMS – An Introduction
·          define database and DBMS
·          list real life examples of databases.
·          Characteristics of database approach
·          Uses of database
·          Provide opportunities for hands on experience to prepare a database through some examples and generating queries on the data.
Awareness on Organizing and  Managing Data
February/ March
Revising for SA2
·          Written test
·          Lab test
·          Oral test
·          Open Book test

Introducing the students to the Latest IT Trends will be an ongoing endeavor throughout the year.
Facilitators’ names:  Mrs Rosmary Michael, Mr. John Kurian
Textbook: e-world – Computers: Basics and Applications by Anitha Goel and Sanchayan K. Ray. Published by Longman, Pearson Education                      

YEAR PLAN 2019 - 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Aim: To promote awareness and interest in sustainable development of the environment.
Enduring understanding: My environment influences the way l live and work.
·          acquire knowledge and understanding of the interdependence of the realms of the earth.
·          understand and appreciate the interdependence of nations.
·          develop skills to apply geographical knowledge to solve real life problems.
·          be able to read and make maps.
·          analyze and explain maps, charts, graphs, etc.

Project:  1. Antarctica.
                2. Conventional signs and symbols
Session One - JUNE TO OCTOBER 2019
Specific learning objectives
Thinking skills
Weather and climate

Composition, structure, importance.
Global warming, Ozone depletion.

Understand the various elements determining the climate of a region.
Extending ideas to life related problems

Environmental awareness
Map work: Drawing: Heat zones
 layers of the atmosphere, Types of Rainfall, Land and Sea breeze,
Assignments from the textbook.
Weather instruments.
Understand the uses various of weather instruments in Meteorology
Understand the location and Political divisions.
Spatial pattern
Processing information

Picture study- Identify weather instruments.
Make a model of anemometer and wind vane.

Map work
Understand the physical features.
Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction
Map work-physical divisions of Africa
Assignments from the textbook.
Case study

Understand the economic activities in Africa.
Comparing and contrasting
Group discussions-students take down points.

Assignments from the textbook and other reference books.
Collecting pictures on the wildlife of Africa

Analyse the role of industries in the economic development of a region.
Processing information
Giving reasons
Role play on classification of Industries
Map work- Mineral resources
Collect details of Industries .
Session Two - November-March 2020
Representation of geographical Features.

Representation of geographical Features.

Processing information
Drawing activity: conventional signs and symbols, directions, distance calculation (direct and indirect)
Energy and power

Analyse the availability of resources and economic development of a region.
Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction
Seminar-Power resources
Prepare a table to compare the renewable resources.
Group discussions.
Assignments from the textbook and other reference books.
Weathering and soil formation
Understand the role of exogenetic forces in grading the earth’s relief.
Analyzing data
Environmental awareness
Comparing and contrasting
Group discussions.
Drawing activity- flow chart on types of rocks, soil profile
Collecting pictures of various types of rocks.
Understand the location and physical features of Australia

Map work-physical division of Australia.

Assignments from the textbook
Prepare an album on the physical and cultural aspects of Australia.
Assignments from the textbook.

1.Cordova publications
2.Frank Brothers
Approved by the Principal
Facilitator:  Mrs Somy Mathew,
Textbook: Around the world 7,  Ratna Sagar

History and Civics
YEAR PLAN  2019- 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.                    
Enduring Understanding:  To appreciate the diversity in Indian culture born out of the synthesis of indigenous and foreign cultures and develop awareness of functioning of the Indian government that will foster good citizenship.
·          To gain deeper understanding about major events and achievements of people in Medieval India.
·          To gain awareness about rights and duties of citizens, features of the Constitution.                                                                                                                                                                          
Project :    SA I-Cultural contributions of Delhi Sultanate
                  SA II- How will the government ensure a welfare state.
                                                                                               Session One - JUNE TO OCTOBER 2019
Topics and sub topics
Specific Learning Objectives
Life Skills
1.Rise of Christianity
2.Spread of Christianity
3.Rise and spread of Islam
Identifies the main features of two major religions
Recalls the impact of religions
Picture study
Mind map, Read stories from Arabian Nights.
Classification: identifies similarities and dissimilarities.
4. Turkish invasion of India

5. The Delhi Sultanate
Identifies the main features of two major invasions. Recalls the impact of the Arab rule.
Recalls the extent of the empire and the main administrative features of the Delhi Sultanate.
Picture study

Make a time-line
Analysing and critical thinking

Social and cross – cultural skills
(muslim conquest on the Indian subcontinent)

6. Life in the Sultanate Period
Compares the cultural contributions of the Delhi Sultanate.     
Collect pictures of famous monuments and stick them in your notebook.
Social and cross – cultural skills
12. Our Constitution-Framing of the Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights Fundamental Duties

Identifies the importance of the Fundamental Law of a country.
Collect information about various persons in the Constituent Assembly like Dr B R Ambedkar and stick pictures in your note book.
Citizenship skills: Identifying Rights and duties of citizens .
Revision for SA I

                                                                                        Session Two: November-March 2020


7. The Regional Kingdoms-The Vijayanagar Empire The Bahmani Kingdom.
8. The coming of the Mughals- Babur,
Humayun, Sher Shah Suri, administration.
Compares the contributions of the two Kingdoms. Describes the features of the administration
 Illustrates with examples the administration and achievements of the Great Mughals.
Monument study-Golgumbaz
Make a Time line of the Mughal rulers.
Classification: identifies similarities and dissimilarities
Flexibility and Adaptability.

9. The Great Akbar
Illustrates the religious tolerance practiced by Akbar.
Case study
Appreciation: Showing respect towards other people opinions, ideas, beliefs and ways of life.
10.The Mughal Empire after Akbar
11.The Bhakti and Sufi Movements
Identifies the administration of Jahangir and Shah Jahan.
Identifies the different religious movements

Appreciation: Showing respect towards other people opinions, ideas, beliefs and ways of life.
13. Directive Principles of State Policy
Revision for SA II
Identifies the importance of Directive Principles while implementing policies.
Discussion on the features of a welfare state.
Concern for justice and equality: Sensitivity towards disabled, care and concerns for environment.
SA II Exam

Approved by the Principal
Facilitators’ name Mrs. Sindhu V S, Deepa Sajeev
Textbook:Past & Present, Publisher :Ratna Sagar

YEAR PLAN 2019- 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous Assessments: July, August, September, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Aim: To
·          learn and enjoy the subject by developing confidence.
·          develop problem solving & logical reasoning skills and to apply the same in daily life situations.
Enduring Understanding: To realize the relevance of mathematical concepts and their application for the smooth functioning of life.
Objectives: To
1.     become successful learners who enjoy learning.
2.     successfully apply core concepts learnt from various subjects.
3.     understand texts of different subjects so as to communicate knowledge and ideas in ways specific to the subject.
4.     articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
5.     use technology to access and provide information and to communicate with others.
6.     understand cross-curricular linkages- connect learning across subject areas.
7.     become confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
8.     become responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
9.     understand and apply knowledge to real life experiences.
10.  develop a sense of responsibility towards others.
11.  function successfully in the local and world community.
12.  respect diversity (in terms of religion, gender, regions, etc. and differences of opinions and beliefs).
13.  exhibit sensitivity towards environmental issues.
14.  learn to manage and utilise resources judiciously.
Projects: 1. Ratio and Proportion2.Mensuration
                        Session One – June 2019 to October 2019
Specific Objectives
Thinking Skills/Learning Process

(Excluding inserting fractions)

Rational Numbers

Recalls rules of integer operations.
Develops speed and accuracy in solving problems.
Correlates fractions and decimals. Applies the concepts learnt.

Identifies rational numbers, compares using numberline, and performs simple operations on rational numbers.
Planning what to do


Comparing and contrasting

Finding alternative methods to solve a problem.
Analysing Relationships
Preparing a table to classify numbers, discussion on types of numbers.
Mind mapping types of Fractions.
Doing problems involving BODMAS and brackets.
Activity: Cutout paper strips of different shapes and dividing them into equal parts.(Equivalent Fractions)
Understands similarities and difference between fractions and Rational numbers. Solving simple problems.


Decimal Fractions

Lines and angles

Ratio and Proportion

Unitary method [Excluding Time and Work and Ex.6(c)]
Develops ability to solve problems with more speed and accuracy.
Applies the properties of parallel lines with transversal in solving the given figures.
Compares ratio with Equivalent fractions.
Applies proportion in unitary method.
Analysing Relationships

Posing and defining problems
Making judgements based on reasoning.

Review of Fractions and Decimals. Mental Maths.

Activity: Drawing parallel lines and a transversal and measuring equal angles.

Questions based on different situations involving ratio. Oral practice to identify proportion, solving related problem.

Algebra - Fundamental Concepts and Operations [EX:11 A,B,C,D]
Recalls Laws of exponents and applies in solving problems.
Recalls fundamentals of Algebra. Does algebraic operations accurately.


Looking for alternative solutions.
Analysing relationships.
Making judgement.
Simplifying Problems using Laws of Exponents. Solving higher order problems.
Framing algebraic expressions in different situations, developing confidence in dealing with variables, problems using algebra in other topics.
Data Handling

Simple Interest

Triangles(excluding Constructions)
Organises, interprets the given data. calculates mean, median and mode of ungrouped data. Draw bar graphs.
Calculates Simple Interest based on the given data.

Recalls basics of triangles.

Processing Information.

Recall the concept and Formulae.

Classifying and Evaluating.
Making judgement.
Analysing the given problem, organizing and solving it .Draw bar graphs.

Activity: Application of Simple Interest in daily life.

Understands the basics of triangle and properties of triangle.

Summative Examination I
Session Two : October 2019 – March 2020
Algebra - Fundamental Concepts and Operations[Ex11 E and F]
Applies the laws of exponents in special products.
Finds probability using data through experiments.(tossing coin, dice etc)                
Recall concept and formulae

Making judgement
Expanding products, finding out the required expression using identities
Conducting experiments like tossing a coin, dice etc and recording favorable and possible outcomes.
Percent and Percentage
[Ex.8(c) only questions from 1 to 8]
Pythagoras Theorem
Set Concepts

Recalls more about percentage.

Applies Pythagoras Theorem in solving problems.
Differentiates Set and Collection. Classifies sets as finite, infinite and empty. Applies cardinal property of sets.
Planning what to do

Processing Information

Making Deductions

Testing conclusions

Percentage as a fraction and decimal, Mental math. Solving problems based on Increase% and Decrease%.
Research on Pythagoras (mathematician) and his contributions.
Identication of set.
Classification of different types of sets.
Group Activity: Different types of sets from surroundings and daily life situations.
Profit ,Loss and Discount
[On Ex. 9 (c) only questions from 1 to 10]

Triangles (Constructions)

Applies Percentage in Profit and Loss
Recalls BODMAS and Removal of Brackets.
Recalls concept of symmetry. Draws lines of symmetry for the  2-D figures and alphabets.(capital)
Constructs triangles based on the given data.
Making Deductions
Combining algebraic expressions with integral denominators.
Making judgments and decisions by reasoning or evidence.
Explaining thinking
Application Problems on Profit and Loss.(Group work)
Simplification of algebraic expressions involving fractions.
Drawing lines of symmetry for different 2-D figures and alphabets.
Activity: Constructing triangles based on the given data using ruler and compasses.
Simple Linear Equations
(Including word Problems)

Congruency : Congruent Triangles

Recognition of Solids

Solves equation of one variable.
Frames equation for given real life situation and solves it.
Identifies congruent figures by observing different objects. Identifies the congruency conditions and proves.
Identifies 3 D shapes. Applies Euler’s formula. Recognizes solid when net given.
Testing conclusions
Analysing Relationships
Explaining thinking
Making judgments and decisions by reasoning or evidence.
Framing Equation based on the given data and solving them.(Oral and written)
Solving problems using conditions of congruency.
Project: Cutting and pasting paper models to concretely prove the properties of congruency.
Group work: Making net of different solids. (Cube, cuboid, cone and cylinder)

Recalls the units of measurement and the basics of Mensuration

Applying Imagination
Extending Ideas.
Making judgments and decisions by reasoning or evidence.
Framing composite figures and finding the area and perimeter.
Facilitators’ names: Mrs. Asha Sasidhar.Mr M.A Raju,Mrs Anuja s
Textbook: Middle School Mathematics– Grade VII (Selina Publications)
Interactive Software/Websites
Textbook: Middle School Mathematics– Grade VII                                                     (Selina Publications)
Mathematics Today (O.P.Malhotra)
ICSE Mathematics for Grade VII (Pearson Longman)
Understanding ICSE Mathematics (M.L.Aggarwal)
·          Class edge

YEAR PLAN 2019 - 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: June, July, August, September, November, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.                                                                     
General objectives: To
·          become successful learners who enjoy learning.
·          understand texts of different subjects so as to communicate knowledge and ideas in ways specific to the subject.
·          articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
·          use technology to access and provide information and to communicate with others.
·          understand cross-curricular linkages- connect learning across subject areas.
·          become confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
·          become responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
·          understand and apply core concepts and knowledge from various subjects to real life experiences.
·          exhibit sensitivity towards environmental issues; learn to manage and utilize resources judiciously.
SA1-To make a simple pendulum and measure its time period.
SA2-To make any musical instrument.
Session One – JUNE 2019 TO OCTOBER 2019
Specific Objectives

Physical Quantities and Measurement
·          Defines volume, area, density and speed.
·          Recalls SI units of the above quantities and their measurement.
·          Compares the relationship between the CGS and SI units of density.
·          Solves simple numerical problems.

Determine the density of a rectangular block and an irregular solid.

·          Recalls the concept of rest and motion.
·          Compares the different types of motion.
·          Understands the concept of distance, speed and their SI units.
·          Solves numerical problems.
·          Differentiates mass and weight.

To make a list of objects in different types of motion.

·          Understands the concept of incident ray, reflected ray, angle of incidence, angle of reflection, normal at the point of incidence.
·          Understands the laws of reflection.
·          Learns to draw the image formed by a plane mirror.
·          Understands the concepts of primary colours and secondary colours and colour of an object.
Experiment to show images formed by a plane mirror.
Draw the ray diagrams to show the formation of images by a plane mirror.
Explain the colour of an object and its reason by showing a video.

September -

·          Distinguishes between heat and temperature and their SI units.
·          Recalls the effects of heat: change in temperature, change of state.
·          Compares the temperature scales: Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.
·          Applies the effect of thermal expansion.
·          Understands the methods of transfer of heat.
Demonstrate the transfer of heat by conduction, convection and radiation.

Explain the working of a thermos flask.
  Summative Assessment-I 

Session Two – November 2019 to March 2020
·          Understands production of sound and its travel in media.
·          Defines the characteristics of sound.
·          Recalls terms related to a wave.
·          Solves numerical problems based on reflection of sound-echo.

Demonstration of production of sound using simple objects within
the classroom followed by discussion.

Children place their hand on their throats and when they speak they
feel vibration.
·          Recalls the different sources of electricity.
·          Understands simple electric circuit-series and parallel.
·          Classifies conductors and insulators.

Draw simple electric circuits and make them.

·          the properties of magnet.
·          electromagnet and its application.
·          electromagnetic induction.
Demonstrate the law of electromagnetism.

Explain the working of an electric bell.


Summative Assessment –II

Facilitator’s names:, Mrs. Chinnamma George and Mrs. Renjini Sanjay.
Textbook: Frank New Certificate Physics-Class 7
Resources: Websites-,,  New living science physics.


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