English Paper I 
YEAR PLAN 2019 – 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: June, July, August, September, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Enduring Understanding:    
Ability to use English language for the purpose of study and social and cultural interaction
General Objectives:  To develop the ability to: 
read with comprehension drawing information directly or by inference from the text, through an understanding of grammar and structure, vocabulary and idiom
derive, infer and critically assess information through listening                                              
express oneself by speaking individually, or in a discussion
employ a variety of skills in writing: within a framework, using argument or imagination or note making and summarizing
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Chapter 1                                                         
Personal Letters
Interchange of Sentences

Chapter 2
Subject Matter and Its Organisation
An Approach to Comprehension
ü  ability to express in a well-organised, clear, precise and accurate English
ü  to familiarize with the use of the formal elements and the appropriateness of language in writing informal letters                
ü  to evaluate the use of articles        
ü  to understand the content of a given text and to infer information and meanings from it
ü  to improve the quality of writing through effective sentences                                                                                                    
Narrative Composition

Notice & Email

Personal Letters

Articles & Interchange of Sentences -                                                                  Text book exercises

Practice Paper 2       
 Total English 9
Chapter 3
Formal Letters
Agreement of the Verb with the Subject

Chapter 4
Beginning and Ending
Comprehension – Question Patterns
Time and Tense - I
ü  to achieve an effective style of writing which has clarity, coherence and simplicity
ü to familiarize with the use of the formal elements of language in writing formal letters                                                                    
ü to understand that a verb must agree with its subject in number and person
ü  to answer questions designed to check one’s knowledge of the passage
ü knowledge of tenses
Picture Composition

Formal Letter

Reading Comprehension 

Summary Writing   

Agreement of the Verb with the Subject & Time and Tense I - Text book exercises

Comprehension Analysis
Practice Paper 3 & 4
Total English 9
Chapter 5
Paragraph Writing
Time and Tense II

Chapter 6
Types of Essays
Comprehension – Words in Context
The Sequence of Tenses
ü  to understand that a good paragraph must have unity,
coherence and variety                                                    
ü  learn to write application for employment
ü  knowledge of tenses
ü  to learn to use the different elements of essays                                               
ü  to understand the contextual meaning of words and phrases in a passage
ü  to recall the use of subordinate clause and the principal clause
Descriptive Composition

Informal Letter 

Reading Comprehension 

Time and Tense II
& The Sequence of Tenses -                    Text book exercises

Practice Paper 5 & 6
Total English 9
Chapter 7
Narrative Composition
Letters to Newspapers
ü to narrate incidents from experience  
ü to express strong emotions of annoyance, pleasure or indignation keeping a formal tone throughout the letter
ü  to familiarize with the use of prepositions
Story Writing Argumentative Composition

Letters to Newspapers
Prepositions - Text book exercises                                             Practice Paper 7
Total English 9
Summative Assessment - I
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Chapter 8
Summary Writing
Direct and Indirect Speech

Chapter 9
Active and Passive Voice
ü  to keep a consistent point of view throughout the composition
ü  to write complete, self-contained, precise, brief, clear and simple summaries
ü  to transform direct speech to indirect speech and vice versa 
ü  to depict a character in words and action
ü  to write formal and informal invitations
ü  to differentiate and identify active and passive voice                                                                                                    

Descriptive Composition

Notice & Email

Reading Comprehension
Direct and Indirect Speech & Active and Passive Voice - Text book exercises

Practice Paper 8 & 9
Total English 9
Chapter 10
Summary Writing
Transformation of Sentences - I
ü  To familiarize the elements of a good story
ü  Alters sentences without changing their meaning much; punctuates properly

Story Writing
Formal and Informal Letters
Transformation of Sentences - I - Text book exercises
Practice Paper 10  
Total English 9
Chapter 11                                                          A. Argumentative composition - II                                 B.  Transformation of sentences
C. Letter to newspapers
Chapter 12
A. Critical Composition
B. Conditional sentences
C.  Invitations
ü  Presents points logically with clarity foreseeing the contentions
ü  Alters sentences without changing their meaning much; punctuates properly
ü  Composes using the right format and write with clarity
ü  Evaluates the quality of a book/ cultural programme /film using the basic parameters pertaining to the genre
ü  Composes using the right format and writes with clarity                                                                                                
Argumentative Composition

Formal/Informal Letter
Text book exercises
Practice Paper 11 & 12  

Total English 9
Chapter 13
A. Factual Writing
B. Letter of complaint
C. Word Order
ü  Composes with objectivity and accuracy showing no ambiguity
ü  Composes using the right format and write with clarity                                                                   
ü  Rephrases following the right syntax
Text book exercises
Practice Paper 13

Total English 9
Internal Assessment: Speaking and Listening Tests
Facilitators: Mr Sreekumar K, Mrs Chithira Alin Kurien, Mrs Sangeetha M
Text Book: Total English 9
Publisher: Morning Star

English Paper II  

YEAR PLAN 2019 - 2020
Grade VIII ENGLISH Paper II (Literature)
The academic year is divided into three sessions
Session One: June to August 2019
Session Two: September to December 2019
Session Three: January to March 2020
Continuous  Assessments: June, July, August, September, November, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I – October 2019
Summative Assessment II- March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING:  Varied perspectives on life through a variety of literary works and better communicative skills
                                                   Develops an appreciation of good literature
                                                   Experiences the thoughts and feelings of the people of the world
                                                   Understands the motivations of characters in drama and the short stories
                                                   Comprehends the plot in detail using contextual clues
                                                   Appreciates the beauty of literary expressions and devices
Specific Learning Objectives

Television (poem)

Little Match Girl                                             
Ø  Reflects on the ill effects of television on children’s mental growth
Ø  Focuses on the goodness of reading books
Ø  An introduction to the genre satire in poetry
Ø  Describes brutality of cold weather and apathy of the rich towards the poor
Ø  Throws light into the evil hands of class differentiation
Ø  Asserts the importance of faith and hope
Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts

The Daffodils (poem) 
A Horse and Two goats

Ø  Appreciates the beauty of nature and its influence on man
Ø  Understands various styles used in romantic poetry
Ø  Identifies the use of humour to explore the themes of knowledge and ignorance
Ø  Explores the conflicts between rich and poor and between Indian and Western culture
Ø  Delves into the accurate presentation of everyday life as lived by people
Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts                                                   
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Essay)
Ø  Identifies complexity of Shakespearean works
Ø  Identifies the theme and the ideals expressed

Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts                                                   
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Essay) (contd)


Ø  Identifies the theme and the ideals expressed

Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts
Summative Assessment I

A Face in the Dark

Bangle Sellers (Poem)

Ø  Ponders upon the mysteries of human existence
Ø  Deliberates upon the possibility of another layer of life outside the material world
Ø  Understands open ended stories and the use of supernatural elements
Ø  Appreciates the Indian culture through the presentation of Indian women in vivid colours and roles
Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts                                                   
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts

My Greatest Olympic Prize

Ø  Comprehends the true spirit of sportsmanship
Ø  Understands the true value of friendship

Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts                                                   
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts
The Merchant of Venice (essay)
Ø  Identifies the main theme
Ø  Appreciates the plot development in the story
Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts                                                   
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts

Nine Gold Medals (poem)
Ø  Appreciates camaraderie and sportsmanship
Ø  Understands that it is better to cooperate and sympathise with others than to compete

Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts                                                   
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts

Summative Assessment II
Projects: A Comic Strip based on ‘A Horse and Two Goats’ (SA 1)
                Imagine you are Mr. Oliver of ‘A Face in the Dark’. Explain your activities and give an alternative ending to your story.  (SA 2)
Facilitators: Mrs Kamaleswari TR, Mrs Chithira Alin Kurien, Mrs Soorya Gayathri
Text Books: Charles Lamb’s essay on Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream & The Merchant of Venice
                    Treasure Trove - A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories              Publisher: Evergreen Publications
Work Books:  A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories vol. 1 & 2                     Publisher: Morning Star


YEAR PLAN 2019– 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: June, July, September, November, December , January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
General Objectives:  To
·          Learn the different branches of biology and its latest developments.
·          Understand and acquire the functions of the different types of microscopes, magnification and resolution, the different resolutions and dimensions of light and electron microscope  and techniques of using a microscope and the purpose of staining cells.
·          types, shapes, and sizes of cells, the cell theory and the structures and functions of cells and the differences between animal cells and plant cells.
·          Develop skills and abilities of writing scientific names properly
·          classifying some common plants and animals including humans based on the classification groups, planting and growing trees
·          scientific enquiry: observing, classifying, comparing, making models, communicating, measuring, asking questions, drawing conclusions, applying ,concepts,  interpreting photos and illustrations and relating cause and effect.
·           Develop the habit and attitude participation  in community tree planting and growing activities, intellectual curiosity, co-operation, reasoning, openness, honesty, love, tolerance, respect and freedom.
·           Develop understanding and acquire knowledge of the six classes of food, their sources, functions and deficiency diseases of each class, nutrition and the importance of balanced diet, oral hygiene and the cares that should be taken when buying and using canned, packed and bottled foods and the importance of keeping food hygiene for health  the functions of human breathing structures, the composition of inhaled and exhaled air, the mechanism of breathing and gas exchange and the factors that affect breathing methods of keeping hygiene of breathing and the effects of smoking on health and family economy..
·          Enable the students to understand that plants also need food and energy to grow; they reproduce, respond to their environment and remove waste materials from their bodies.
·          Give an insight into the study of five kingdom classification of organisms.
·          To have an awareness on the Health organizations.
                             SA I Prepare a booklet on types and agents of pollination.
                             SA II: Prepare a model of the cell (prokaryotic /eukaryotic)OR Model of  Specialized Tissue .                               
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Specific Learning Objectives
·          To recall about the growth of Biology
·          To illustrate the branches of biology
·          To recall that the study of biology helps us in many ways
To find out the different branches in biology and prepare a dictionary or palmphlet of it.
June - July

·       To be able to identify organisms based on Five Kingdom classification
·          To be able to explain main characteristics of each kingdom with suitable examples.
·          To differentiate between the major groups of organisms.
·          To understand the need for nutrition.
·          To be able to differentiate between the various nutrients.
·          To understand the various deficiency diseases.
·          Certain examples are given and ask to classify hierarchically based on the five kingdom classification.
·          Find scientific names of any five common animals and plants.
·          Draw pictures of organisms representing each kingdom.
·          Collect the specimens from different divisions in plants and write their characteristics.
·          Prepare a table on deficiency diseases.
·           Make a comparison between the human body and a machine and establish that the role of food is in providing the body with nutrients, and also with energy like a fuel is the source of energy for a machine.
·          Test for different food items.
·          To be able to identify and explain-the different whorls of a flower
·          To identify different types of flowers.
·          Relate the  structure of a bisexual flower and general description with functions of various parts
·          Compare Complete and incomplete flowers
·          Describe Essential and non-essential parts of a flowers, bracts, nectarines, unisexual, bisexual and neuter flowers
·          Study different flowers. The method to dissect a flower is demonstrated.
·          Structure of different types of flowers to be studied.
·          Observing permanent slides in the laboratory;
·          Make a booklet on the classification of flowers.
·          Prepare a herbarium of different flowering plants.
·          To define pollination
·          To able to explain- 
Self and Cross pollination , advantages and disadvantages of the above
·          Agents of pollination, features of flowers pollinated by various agents
·          Various conditions which favour cross pollination in nature
·          Fertilization
·          Describe the structure of a pollen grain and an ovule
·          Germination of a pollen grain double fertilization and triple fusion
·          Fate of floral parts after fertilization
·          Study the structures of specific flowers to understand how each is suited for pollination
·          Diagrams for the structural ovule and fertilization process.
Observing the pollinators movement from one
·          to another of same plant, or from a flower of one plant to flower of another plant, observing a flower changing into a fruit in a kitchen garden etc.) and discussing pollination process in them. 
·          Video on the fertilization process.
·          Practice the manual pollination in unisexual flowers and observe the changes in them.
October – Revision and SA1
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020.
·          To identify the structure of dicot and monocot seeds, germination of seeds, types and conditions for seed germination. To be able to explain structure of bean seed and maize grain. Differences between hypogeal and epigeal germination, conditions for germination.
·          Observe - the external morphology of various seeds and the stages of germination
·          Germinate both dicot and monocot  seeds to observe types of germination and draw the changes in the notebook.
·       To illustrate the process of respiration in plants; Glycolysis, Krebs’s cycle and their significance.
·       To differentiate- aerobic and anaerobic respiration with chemical equation
·       To be able to contrast Respiration and Photosynthesis
·       Experiments to show that heat is evolved during respiration.
·          Experiment to show that gas is evolved during respiration.
·          To conduct experiments on aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
·          To define cell
·          To be able to compare the relation between the invention of the microscope and the discovery of cell
·          Illustrates the Cell theory
·          To describe the characteristics of Unicellular, multicellular organisms
·          To recall the relationship between small size of cells and efficiency
·          To relate cell shapes and functions
·          To compare structure of a cell, cell organelles, their main characteristics and chief functions
·          To differentiate between plant and animal cells
·          To be able to define Protoplasm
·          To differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
·          To be able to recollect that every activity of a living organism is the outcome of cellular activity
·       To label the cell and the cell organelles by giving hints regarding its functions.
·       Video of stem cell transplantation.
·       Prepare a chart on different organelles, its function and location.
·       Write a note on different types of stem cell and its importance.

·          To be able to define, explain and relate
·          Describe the types of tissues.
·          Illustrate Plant Tissues: Types, location, basic structure and functions.
·          Describe Animal Tissues: Types, location, basic structure and functions.
·          Observe permanent slides in the Laboratory.
·          Draw diagrams of plant and animal tissues.
·          PPT on Tissues.
·          Conduct experiments on plant tissues to identify xylem and phloem.
·          To develop a strong immune system and defence system.
·          To understand the structure and functions of antibodies.
·          To define vaccination, antitoxins, antiseptics and antibiotics.
·          To understand the common health problems in India.
·          To have an idea on the various International bodies of health.
·          Collect more information Red cross.
·          Make table on the activities of WHO.
·          Prepare a posture/drawing on the world health day.
·          Prepare a chart on innate immunity and acquired immunity
·          Make a poster on vaccinations and different types of antibiotics
Facilitator: Mrs. Neethu Rani Joseph and Mrs.Sherine Suresh.
Name of the text book: Concise Biology for class IX Part I
Publisher: Selina
Suggested learning resources: Textbook-Ratnasagar, Class edge/Smart class.
Approved by the Principal

YEAR PLAN 2019 – 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, September, December , January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebook for Continuous Assessment marks.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: To  develop  the  ability to appreciate  achievements in the field of chemistry and  its role in nature and  society
General Objectives: 
·          To gather information regarding various useful elements and compounds in nature.
·          To acquire the ability to observe, experiment, hypothesize, infer, handle equipment and make correct recordings.
Project:  Presentation/ model on crystalline forms of carbon (diamond and graphite).
               Working model of structure of atom.
                Study on anomalous expansion of water.
Session One: June – October 2019
Specific Learning Objectives
Atomic Structure
Discovery of sub -atomic particles. Rutherford   and Bohr models of atom. Isotopes,  Radioactivity, chemical bonding
Knowledge on the sub- atomic particles and electronic configuration.
Knowledge on atomic number, mass number, nucleus, extra nuclear parts and valency.
Draw the structure of atoms.
Electron dot structure of compounds.

Text book.
Charts/Models showing the structure of atom
Preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen
Knowledge on the different methods of preparation of hydrogen.
Learns to describe the chemical properties and uses of hydrogen
Knowledge on the concepts like oxidation and reduction of hydrogen on the basis of addition or removal of hydrogen.
Prepare charts on preparation of hydrogen.
Text book

Chemical reactions
Characteristic of chemical reactions, types of chemical reactions
Recalls the different types of chemical reactions.
Identifies the type of chemical reaction.
Learns to identify the different types of oxides.
Learns to explain the effect of heat on the oxides of some metals.
Experimental demonstrations.
Class room discussions.

Text book

Carbon and its compounds.
Crystalline and amorphous forms of carbon. The structure and uses of diamond and graphite. Physical and chemical properties of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Identifies the position of carbon in the periodic table, allotropes of carbon, properties and uses of wood charcoal.
Learn the applications of Buckminster fullerene in superconductors and electronic goods.
Learns different forms of carbon.
Class room discussions, written work.
Draws diagram of graphite and diamond. 

Summative Assessment 1

Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Language of Chemistry
Symbols of elements. Formula of compounds. Balancing of simple equations. Limitations of a chemical equations
Recalls symbols of different elements
Learns to derive formulae of compounds on the basis of valencies of elements and radicals.
Learns to write chemical equation for a reaction and balance the same.
Prepare charts showing simple equations in which states of reactants and products are shown
Text book

Language of chemistry
Chemical symbols, formulas, valancy, chemical equations.
Relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass.
Recalls the chemical formulas, chemical equations
Work out chemical formulas and balances chemical equations.
Text book
Physical properties of water
Water is a universal solvent
Solutions, solubility, crystallisation, hydrated and anhydrous substance.

Recalls the significance of water and its properties.

Test for water of crystallisation .Action of heat on hydrated copper sulphate and cobalt chloride.
Text book

Textbooks: Concise Chemistry Grade VIII                 
Facilitators: Mrs Jiny Wilfred, Mrs Anitha Mathew

Commercial Applications
YEAR PLAN 2019– 2020

The academic year is divided into three  sessions
Session One: June 2019 to August 2019
Session Two: September 2019 to December 2019
Session Three: January 2010  to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, October, December, January, February
First term Examination : August 2019
Second  term Examination: December  2019
Third  term Examination : March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.

Enduring understanding: Recognise the fact that business influences and is influenced by social, political, legal and economic forces.
General  Objectives:

·          Develop an understanding of the processes of business and its environment.
·          Develop an interest in the theory and practice of business, trade and industry.
·          Familiarize learners with the theoretical foundations of communication in a business organization.
·          Identify the differences between marketing and sales.

Specific learning objectives





Introduction to Business:
·          Human activities, business activities around us, concept, characteristics and importance
             of business.

Classification of Business activities:
·          Industry and Commerce, Industry and its types
Commerce :
·          Meaning
·          Branches of commerce
·          Meaning and types of trade
Objectives of Business:
·          Economic, Social,& Human
·          Functions of commerce.

Commercial Organisations
·          Organisation, firm and company
·          Meaning and nature of commercial organization.

Revision for First Term Examination
·          Difference between Commercial organization and Non-Commercial organization.
·          Inter-relation between trade ,industry and commerce
·          Classification of commercial organization on different activities

Discussing the concept and importance of business activities in the society.

Discussing the role of commerce in our day to day business activities.

Differentiate between industry and commerce, and trade.

Understand the main objectives of business.

Classify the business activities.

Identify the differences between organisation ,firm and company

Comparing the commercial organisation and non-commercial organization with examples.

Discussing the classifications with sharing real life examples.

Relevant industry examples are given by the students after the basic understanding of the terms and their distinctions.

Cite examples for the various objectives of business.

Classify the business activities.

Explaining with real life examples.

ICSE Commercial Applications

ICSE Commercial Applications

ICSE Commercial Applications


Communication in a Commercial Organisation
·          Meaning of communication
·          Elements of communication process
·          Types ; formal and informal
·          Revision for SA-1
E-commerce- Meaning and advantages. (project)

Explain the need for communication in commercial organisation.

Identifying the types of communication with examples.

Discussing the ways of communicating in an organisation with examples.

ICSE Commercial Applications

Ways of communicating
·          Verbal and written
·          Advantages and disadvantages
Tools of communication
·          Use of different tools of communication

Understand the different ways of communicating and use of different tools of communication.

Comparing the merits and demerits of  verbal and written ways of communication.

ICSE Commercial Applications

Marketing and sales
·          Market, meaning and definition of marketing
·          Functions of marketing, concepts of marketing
·          Selling, difference between marketing and selling.

Discussing the concepts of marketing and selling with real life examples.
Discuss to understand markets and their types by giving examples.

Distinguish between marketing and selling.

ICSE Commercial Applications

Functions of commercial organisations
·          Meaning of departmentation
·          Need for departmentation
Identify different departments in a commercial organisation.
Discussing  the various departments of an business enterprise with examples.

ICSE Commercial Applications

Environmental Awareness
·          Natural Resources
·          Causes of depletion of resources
·          Sources of pollution

Understand the importance of natural resources in our daily life.

Analyse the various issues of the environment and the need for protecting them.

Debate on the role of business in polluting the environment
ICSE Commercial Applications

Summative Assessment 2
Class test
Past question papers.
Facilitators’ name: Diviya Mary Prem
Text book : ICSE Commercial Applications PART 1
Approved by the principal


Computer Applications

YEAR PLAN 2019 – 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, December , January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
·          To become competent, confident, responsible and critical user of technology.
·          To develop the appropriate social skills that are essential for co-operative and collaborative learning.
·          To take ownership of their own learning.
·          To acquire knowledge and skills in using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to accomplish tasks, communicate, and facilitate activities.
·          To develop awareness in regard to the developments and emerging issues concerning computing and society;
·          To develop critical and analytical thinking skills for practical solutions.
·          To develop creative skills for problem solving.
·           To learn the basics of programming using Java.
Enduring Understanding:  One problem can have different solutions. 
Objective: To develop logical solutions to a problem using algorithms and then convert the algorithms to programs.  
Project: Group work - Design a useful application with any software.
Session One: June – October 2019

Specific Learning Objectives

Chapter 1:
Introduction to Programming

App Development (Not evaluated)
·          Understand programming and its need
·          Explore Program Development Life Cycle
·          Explore commonly used website and mobile apps.
·          identify different types of apps;
·          list uses of apps;
·          classify apps;
·          Seminar by a software developer.
·          Interview a programmer on PDLC
·          Explore Window App and Google app store and list the apps under different categories.
·          Asking children to share their experiences of using an app by them or by any other member in their family.
·          Develop a presentation on different apps
·       Programming Practices and Techniques

·        Teachers’ Worksheets

·        Java: A Beginner's Guide, Herbert Schildt

·       Computer Applications (GradeX): Sumita Arora ; 

·       Computer Applications by Pandey and Dey

·       Websites like :


Chapter 2:
Programming Tools

·          Design algorithm and learn to break a task into finite logical steps.
·          Learn the keywords used in pseudocode and the symbols used in flowchart

Design algorithm for day to day tasks.

Chapter 3:
Programming Languages
·          Study the trend in computer programming languages.
Group presentation on programming 

Programming using Scratch (Identify the 
   constructs, variables and constants in 

Chapter 4:
 Structured Programming Techniques

Onam holidays
·          Learn different logical constructs
·          Understand the concepts of variables, data items and operators.
·           Learn to write simple programs in Java to understand the difference between variables and constants;
·           Write simple expressions using different operators.
Programming Practical to learn about variables, constants , operators and expressions in Java

Solve output problems

Dry run and debug algorithms and source codes.

Chapter 5:
 Sequence Construct

·          More practice on writing pseudocode and flowchart that follow sequential construct.
Designing algorithms that depict sequential logic.
Practical Sessions

Chapter 6:
Introduction to Java
Revision and remedial for First Summative Exam
·          Converting the above algorithms to Java code.
·          Clarify doubts; perfect the topics done in First Summative Session.
Solve Revision worksheets.

Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020

Chapter 5:
Sequence Construct

Chapter 6:
Introduction to Java
·          Converting the above algorithms to Java code.
·          Enable the students to solve problems on Sequence construct.
. Designing algorithms that depict decision making or selection construct.
. Writing programs and practical sessions
. Solve output problems
. Dry run and debug algorithms and source
·            Programming Practices and Techniques
·            Teachers’ Worksheets
·           Java: A Beginner's Guide, Herbert Schildt
·           Computer Applications (Grade X):Sumita Arora ;  Computer Applications by Pandey and Dey
·           Websites like :

·          Define a network and its components
·          Differentiate between types of network.
·          explain the ways in which data moves over  
·          The network.
Chapter 7:
Selection Construct
·          Understand the role of decision making in problem solving.
·          Learn to write Pseudocode and flowcharts that depict decision making.


Chapter 7:
Selection Construct

Chapter 8:
 Decision Making  In Java
·          Enable the students to solve any given problem that involves decision making.
·          Write Pseudocode and flowcharts and then convert those into programs in Java
Designing algorithms that depict selection construct

 Writing programs and practical sessions
 Solve output problems
Dry run and debug algorithms and source codes.
Chapter 8:
Decision Making In Java
·          Enable the students to do more output problems based on Selection Construct.

Remedial and Revision
Second Summative Exam

Facilitators’ name: Mr. John Kurian , Mrs. Rosmary Michael
Text book:  Programming Practices and Techniques (Compiled by Mrs. Armin Shroff)
Our Blog: for updates on worksheets and sample papers. 

YEAR PLAN 2019 – 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2018 to October 2019 Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, December , January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Aim: To promote awareness and interest in sustainable development of the environment
Enduring Understanding: Understand that the earth is a very small part of the universe with immense diversity and mystery.
Objectives: To
develop an understanding of the position of the earth in the solar system.
learn about the various landforms and water bodies.
create awareness on the climatic changes in the atmosphere.
Project: 1. Report on the relationship between the climate and natural vegetation in Asia
               2. Prepare an atlas of India
Session One: June – October 2019
topic  / subtopic
Specific objectives
Representation of Geographical Features

Population Dynamics


Interpret contours on the
Sheet (height, shape, types of settlements etc.)

Understand the causes and consequences of over-population and under-population.
Describe the factors affecting the distribution of population.
Understand the population composition.

Case studies based on an over-populated and under populated country.

Understand the different types of migration.

Spatial distribution

Analyzing data
Processing information

Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction

Applying imagination

Atlas work- location of places
Discussion and written work- Importance of Conventional signs and symbols.

Atlas work: International and internal migration
Discussion and written work


The Earth as a planet

Geographic grid

Understand the origin and causes of urbanization, and impact of urbanization.

Develop an understanding of the earth’s uniqueness.

Locate places using latitudes and longitudes.

Applying imagination

Predicting outcomes

Environmental awareness

Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction
Discussion and written work

Diagrams: Solar system,
Mind map: uniqueness of the earth.

Atlas work- location of places
Geographic grid

Motions of the earth

Structure of the earth and the internal processes:
Earth’s structure
Locate places using latitudes and longitudes.
Calculate time with respect to longitudinal changes.
Identify the changes due to the motions of the earth.

Discuss the characteristics of the layers of the Earth’s structure

Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction

Analyzing data
Processing information

Discussion and written work- characteristics of parallels and meridians
Time calculation

Preparation of table: important dates with respect to the revolution

Diagram: structure of the earth
Discussion and written work: the layers of the earth

Major landforms

(Asia physical features: Map work only)

Locate major landforms on an outline map of the world.

Understand the formation and significance of major landforms.

Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction

Environmental awareness and classifying.

Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction
Atlas work

Mind map- significance of physical features.

Major landforms


Locate major landforms on an outline map of the world.

Identify the characteristics of different types of rocks

Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction

Environmental awareness and classifying

Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction
Atlas work

Mind map- significance of physical features.

Diagram- rock cycle

Session Two- November 2019 – March 2020


Disasters and their management.
Identify the causes and consequences of volcanic eruption and earthquakes

Identify the natural and man-made disasters and know their management
Environmental awareness and classifying

Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction

Spatial pattern, distribution and interaction
Diagram: Cross section of a volcano

Map work: Plate boundaries

Area affected by earthquakes

Map work: Area affected by cyclones.


Explain the work of running water and wind in the formation of different land features.

Understand the role of exogenetic forces in grading the earth’s relief.
Environmental awareness

Processing information
Diagram- formation of ox-bow lake

Flow chart- types of weathering
Composition and structure of the atmosphere


Compare the different layers of atmosphere with respect to its general characteristics

Understand the role of solar energy to determine the climate on the earth.
Comparing and contrasting

Giving reasons

Making decision
Diagram: atmospheric layers, composition of the atmosphere
Mind map: significance of atmosphere

Diagram: heat zones
Mind map: factors affecting the temperature, processes involved in heating the atmosphere
Pressure belts and types of winds
Recognize the continental influences on  global pressure changes
Environmental awareness
Spatial distribution
Diagrams: pressure belts, wind belts, deflection in the direction of winds due to coriolis force,
Discussion and written work
Resources :
1. World Geography : Majid Hussain
2. Human Geograaphy: Savindra singh
3.Complete geography: IGCSE text book
4. Interactive softwares/websites
Approved by the Principal
Facilitators:    Mrs. Somy, Mrs. Smitha
Textbook:  Around the world 8, ICSE Geography for IX, Ratna Sagar



YEAR PLAN 2019 - 2020
Grade VIII HINDI 2nd Language
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: June, July, August, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Aim: To develop the skills to communicate with others and express oneself in Hindi.
Enduring Understanding:  An open and rich understanding about people who have a different culture and language.
Objectives: A student reads, writes, comprehends and speaks in Hindi at a level suitable to his/her age.
Project:  Done in the class.
Session One – June - October 2019
Specific objectives
Letters and character   combinations
To recall the letters of the alphabet
Play games with pictures and letters
Flash cards, Text book

Basic conversations
Comprehend and to be able to converse
Role play - on given situations
Various grammar books
Bharat Ekkisveem
Sathi Tak
Appreciate the tone and rhythm.
Learn the importance of worship in life.
Learn how can we fight corruption and contribute meaningfully to the progress of our country.

Recite the poem
Reading in groups
Meaning,questions orally.
Syllabification,case,abstract noun.
Text book
Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala
Story-Saint Mother Teresa

Build vocabulary
Express the views on social work.
Reading aloud
Stick a photo and write a paragraph on Mother Teresa.
Text book

Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala
Letter Writing
Assignment:Conservation of water.
Able to write letter.
Develop the skill of reading and writing.
Creative writing.
Text book

Story –
Japanese Bache
Discuss the difference between Gurukul system of education and our current educational system.
Learn the life style and dress of other countries.
Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala
Gunakari aur labh dhayi dhava
Learn how you look after a person who is ill.
Mind mapping
Disjoining of words

Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala


Learn the different culture and art form of our country.

Compound words

Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala

Build Vocabulary-Number names
Mind mapping
Text book
Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala
Session Two - November-March 2020
Story-Steve jobs
Internet ek Kranthi.

Inspiration we get  from the life of great men.
Merits and demerits of Internet.
Compound words.
Text book
Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala

Futta Khada
Understand the qualities of friendship’
Learn how to encourage and motivate our friends.
Idioms and phrases.
Text book
Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala
Story-Pehali April
We must learn not to hurt anyone while cracking jokes.
Make sentence.
Text book
 Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala

Letter writing

Build vocabulary,
Be able to read without hesitation but with expression and write proper response.
Creative writing
Reading in groups
Creative writing
Letter writing
Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala
Mathrbhaksha ke Prathi

Picture composition

Understand the importance of developing a strong and good character.
To learn how we can  respect our mother tongue.
Writing dialogues

Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala
Textbook: Nayi Baal Sulabh Mala
Name of the facilitator: Jayasree .p.s

History and Civics


YEAR PLAN 2019–2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2018 to October 2018
Session Two: November 2018 to March 2019
Continuous assessments: July, August, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2018
Summative Assessment II: March 2019
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.                                                  
Aim: To acquire an understanding of ancient Indian history, major empires, culture and religion. In civics, to develop knowledge about local-self government.
Enduring Understanding:
To appreciate the diversity in Indian culture born out of the synthesis of indigenous and foreign cultures and to understand that the study of History is based on authentic sources.
Objectives: To
·          learn about the past by creating a sense of historical diversity
·          understand time lines and historical maps
·          creating a strong a sense of human values, namely freedom, trust, mutual respect and respect of diversity
Project :
1. River valley civilizations.
2. The
                                                                                                  Session One: June – October 2019
Specific learning objective
Life Skills
1The Mesopotamian Civilization-

Appreciates the contribution of the civilization in today’s world.
Discussion on:
Hanging Gardens of Babylon and naming amazing gardens in India
Appreciation: Showing respect towards other people opinions, ideas, beliefs and ways of life.
2.The Egyptian Civilization
 Understand with reason the development of early river valley civilisations.
Discussion on:
Egypt-the gift of Nile
The Great Pyramid at Giza
Appreciation for heritage.
3.The Indus Valley civilization

Recalls the places of excavation, discoveries, the scripts and the cultural aspects.
Narrates the decline of the culture.
 Discussion on :
Town Planning Drainage system Seals etc.
Scrap book-pictures related to river valley civilizations.
Appreciating achievements made by various civilizations.
4.The Chinese Civilization
Draw a comparative analysis of the different river valley Civilizations.
Notes on Hwang Ho-The sorrow of China
Appreciating achievements made by various civilizations.

5.The Vedic Civilization

Analyze   and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of India in terms of values, beliefs and traditions.
Mind Map –Four Vedas
Listing Malayalam terms derived from Sanskrit"
Comparing the society, lifestyle and position of women.
10.Rural Local self- government
Demonstrate the ability to take initiatives and responsibility in solving community problems such as sewage, traffic jam, pollution, cleanliness.

Collecting information on:Haritha Keralam 

Leadership and Responsibility: Using interpersonal and problem skills
Revision for SAI

Session Two :November 2019–March 2020

6.The Great  Preachers
Discuss and identify the differences and similarities between Early and Later Vedic period.
organizing a skit on Gurukul system
Social and Cross-Cultural Skills: Working appropriately and productively with others.

7.The Rise of Kingdoms and Republics
Identifies and locate Mahajanapadas.
Read stories from Amar Chitra Katha
Collaboration: Demonstrating ability to work effectively with diverse teams.
8.The Age of Mauryas

Analyse the effects of Ashoka’s ‘Dhamma’ and reflect on the relevance of the teachings of
Dhamma in present society.

Appreciate the public welfare activities of Ashoka.

Five Daily Recollections eg:I am of the nature to grow old; I cannot avoid aging.

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal skills: Motivation from the great personalities.
9.The Age of Guptas
Chandragupta I, Samudragupta Chandragupta II

Evaluate and appreciate the achievements during the Gupta period and to summarize the golden age of India.
Study on the Nine Gems in the court of Chandragupta II.
Locating the places on an outline map.
Collaboration: Demonstrating ability to work effectively with diverse teams.

11.Urban Local Self Government
Describe the functioning of Municipal Corporations
Organizing a cleanliness drive in the school (under the Swachh Bharat Initiative)
Collaboration: Demonstrating ability to work effectively with diverse teams. _corporation
Approved by the Principal
Facilitators’ Name :Mrs Lekha Nayar, Mrs Sindhu.V.S
Textbook : Past and Present, Publisher: Ratna Sagar

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