VI- German

YEAR PLAN 2019 –2020
Grade – VI – GERMAN
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: Class tests by the end of every month, except for October and March.
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
AIM: To develop the ability to use a foreign language (German) for basic interactions, by creating a sound base of the language.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: The child develops a positive attitude towards new languages and gets to know new cultures. He/She will be able to communicate in German in a very basic manner.
OBJECTIVES: To understand and respond to some basic things (day to day interactions) in German.
Projects/ Field trips: Collage works (Hobbies, Family-tree making), Quiz, Drawing and Painting works (related to specific topics), Calendar making. 

Session One - JUNE 2019 TO OCTOBER 2019
Specific Learning Objectives
June ‘19
·  Introduction to the new language
·  Lesson 1
·  Greetings
·  Numbers
·      Greetings, Self-introduction, Enquiring about someone’s well-being, Numbers 1-100
·      Grammar- Personal pronoun – ich & du
·   Songs- (1)Hallo Leute!; (2)Hallo Hallo Hallo…..
·   Listening activity to learn numbers
·    Greeting others appropriately (Language & Communicative skill)
·    Improving the concentration and attention through listening activities
July ‘19
·  Personal Pronoun

·      Grammar- Introducing different personal pronouns in German and the changes happening in verbs according to the respective pronouns (Verb Conjugation)
·      Paragraph writing on the topic ‘Self Introduction’
·   Number Game – ‘mehr oder weniger’
·   Paragraph writing
·   Film

·   Ability to convert thoughts to words (Communicative skill)
·   Ability to use certain German words at the appropriate time (commucative and cognitive skill)
·   Passive learning through videos
August ‘19
·  Lesson 2
·  Drinks (different Beverages)
·      Expressing one’s opinion and wish, Different Drinks
·      Grammar- W-Questions, Yes/No Questions, Verb form in singular
·   Memory test (Beverages)
·   Making short conversation
·   Project – Hobbies
·   Song - Erntedankfest
·    Finding out ones own ways to memorise the articles (Developing problem solving skill and Self Learning)
·    Improving language skill through song
September ‘19
·  Hobbies
·  Biding Goodbye
·  Revision
·      Free time activities and other Hobbies, Basic greeting and parting lines in a conversation, Paragraph writing on the topics ‘Different Drinks’ and ‘My Hobbies’
·      Grammar- Modal verb ‘möchten’
·   Paragraph writing
·   Film
·   SA1 Preparation/Model test
·   Ability to convert thoughts to words (Communicative skill)
·   Passive learning through videos

October ‘19
·  Simple questions and answers
·      Introducing a set of simple questions and answers about oneself
·      Practicing the Verb-Conjugation for a firm Grammar base
·   Videos
·   Discussion – Halloween, Oktoberfest
·   Passive learning through videos
·   Understanding a land’s culture through videos (social awareness)

 Session Two November 2019 - March 2020
November ‘19
·  Lesson 3
·  Family
·      Names of family members, To introduce the members of one’s family, Asking ones age
·      Possessive Pronouns – mein/meine, dein/deine, Practicing the Personal Pronouns – He, She, They
·   Small Dialogue making
·   Project - Making one’s own Family-tree
·   Bring a family photo and introduce every member to the class
·   Song- Ich gehe mit meiner Laterne… (Martinstag)
·    Application of the learnt topic (Language and speech skill)
·    Talking in front of an audience (Social skill by developing self-confidence)
·    Finding out ones direct relatives and relationship with them and sketching a family tree (Social & Communicative skill)
December ‘19
· Numbers 101-2000
· Conversations
·      Numbers till 2000, Activities at home, To understand and also to respond to simple telephone conversations, Paragraph writing on the topic ‘My Family’
·      Vocabulary related to Christmas, Discussion- how Christmas is celebrated in Germany
·   Paragraph writing
·   Song- Tante Frieda….
·   Calender making
·   Film/PPT on Weihnachten(Christmas)
·   Ability to convert thoughts to words (Communicative skill)
·   Passive learning through song
·   Sense of oneness during festive times (Social & Emotional skills)

January ‘20
·  Lesson 4
·  Negation
·      German speaking countries, Activities at home, Introduce a third person
·      Simple verbs (those related to household activities), Negation – ‘nicht’
·   Get an orientation on the location of German speaking nations and Identify them on the map
·   Flag making
·   Films/PPTs
·   Orient oneself by understanding a world map (cognitive skill)
·   Passive learning through videos
February ‘20
·  Names of countries in German
·  Revision
·      Names of different countries in German and names of some important cities in Germany,  Paragraph writing on the topic ‘My Brother/Sister’
·      W-Questions – ‘Woher & Wo’
·   Paragraph writing and other writing works
·   Exam oriented learning and Model Test
·   Ability to convert thoughts to words (Communicative skill)
·   Checking the long term memory and re-anchoring the topics through revision

Facilitators’ name: Devi Balan
Textbook & Reference books: Planet A1, Worksheets provided from the German Institute (Goethe-Zentrum, Trivandrum), Hallo Deutsch 1,2 , Deutsch lernen mit Spielen und Rätseln – Level 1, Schritt für Schritt ins Grammatikland.

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