VII German

YEAR PLAN 2019 –2020
Grade – VII - GERMAN
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: Class tests by the end of every month, except for October and March.
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
AIM:  To make the student understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal information, shopping, local geography). To make him/her able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING:  The student will be able to communicate in areas of most immediate relevance such as personal information, local geography, hobbies, profession etc. in a simple and basic manner.
GENERAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To make the student capable to respond to areas of immediate relevance through speech, writing and by understanding a written text or a speech.
Projects/ Field trips: Collage works, Time-Table making, Quiz, Creative Writing

Session One - JUNE TO OCTOBER 2019

Specific Learning Objectives
June ‘19

·   Recollection
·  Lesson 4
·   Negation

·   *German speaking countries *Activities at home *Introduce a third person
·   Simple verbs (those related to household activities), Negation – ‘nicht’
·   Get an orientation on the location of German speaking nations and Identify them on the map
·   Flag making
·   Films/PPT
·   Orient oneself by understanding a world map (cognitive skill)
·   Passive learning through videos
July ‘19

·    Paragraph writing (old ones)
·   Lesson 5

·  *Greetings *Self-introduction *Numbers 1-2000 *Family *Expressing one’s opinion and wish *Different Drinks *Free-time activities *Days & Months *School & Subjects *W-Questions & Yes/No Questions *Personal Pronoun-Verb form in singular  *Asking someone’s well-being *Verb- ‘haben’
·   *How to read and talk about one’s school time-table
·    Songs- Hurra, die Schule beginnt…
·    Timetable making (Project)
·   Revision- Paragraph writing on the topics ‘Self-introduction’, ‘My Family’, ‘My School’
·     Ability to plan ones day (Social skill)
·   Rekindling memory by reproducing last year’s topics 
August ‘19

·   Lesson 6
·   School things
·   Negation
·  Grammar- *Possessive Pronoun ‘mein’/’dein’  *Personal Pronoun ‘sie’(they) *Negation ‘kein’ *Modalverb ‘möchten’ *Infinitive form in a sentence, Indefinite article
·   *To make suggestions, to deny the offer and to give the proper reason *Things in school *Paragraph writing on the topic ‘My School’ (120 words)
·    Compare the 2 pictures and explain the differences
·    Creative work- *Explain the scene (picture) in own words *Paragraph writing
·    Translation exercise
·   Film
·     Practicing visual concentration
·     Spontaneous speaking (Speech & Language skill)
·   Translation (Language skill)
September ‘19

·   Lesson 7
·   Clock-time
·   Revision
·  Grammar- *definite article in nominative *Personal pronoun ‘er’(he), ‘sie’(she), ‘es’(it)
·   *Asking W-Questions *Telling the time *Lucky & unlucky symbols *To apologise
·    Drawing clocks with different times
·    Discussing the symbols denoting good/bad omens
·    Time-Game
·   Model test
·     To know the regional and cultural differences of symbols (Social & Emotional skill)
·   Understand the importance of punctuality (Social skill)
October ‘19

·   Lesson 8
·   Emotions and feelings
·  Grammar- *Modal verb ‘dürfen’ *Definite article in accusative
·  *To ask for permission and giving permission *To apologise/ to ask for excuse *to express ones feelings *Common food items (snacks) in Germany
·    Role Play (Scene1 from Lesson 8)
·    Listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises
·    Collage/ Poster making– Emotions
·   Acting in front of an audience (Social skill & gross motor skill)
·   Thinking and collecting the causes and effects of different emotions (Social & Emotional skill)
Session Two November 2019 - March 2020
November ‘19

·   Lesson 8 continued
·   Imperative, Verbs
·   Date
·  Grammar- *Imperative mode of sentence *Verbs with Vocal change
·  *To express ones feelings *To give instructions/ an order/ a request *To say the date of a particular event
·   *School system in Germany *Exam and mark system in German schools
·    Giving tips according to the problem (Imperative training)
·    PPT/ Video on different school systems
·    Translation exercise
·     Problem solving (Cognitive skill)
·     To get introduced to a new system of schooling (Social skill)
December ‘19

·   Lesson 9
·   Free time activities
·   Comparison
·   Seasons
·   Modal verb ‘können’
·   Grammar- *Adjectives *Modal verb ‘können’ *Genetive with names *3 degrees of comparison
·   *To talk about ones favourite activity * how good one is in  a particular Hobby *To understand the four seasons and their characteristics *To understand the different free-time activities in different countries and those according to different seasons *Describing a third person
·   Understand how the biggest festival of Germany, Christmas is celebrated
·    Composition on the topics ‘My free-time activities’ & ‘The 4Seasons and Hobbies’
·    Seasons & Hobbies (Project)
·   Talk about ones friend, Paragraph writing about a third person
·    Film/PPT on Weihnachten (Christmas)
·     Understanding and acquiring a sense of similarity and difference between two countries (Communicative skill & Social development)
·   Ability to convert thoughts to words (Communicative skil
·   Sense of oneness during festive times (Social & Emotional skill)
January ‘20

·   Lesson 10
·   Places for recreation
·   Prepositions
·   Suggestions, Rejections
·   Grammar- *Prepositions ‘in, ‘auf’ + Accusative *Separable verbs *Modal verb ‘können’ *Modal verb ‘dürfen’ *Sentences with a modal verb and a separable verb in infinitive *Particles ‘doch’, ‘eben’
·   *To make an arrangement *To make, accept and reject a suggestion*To talk about where someone is going *To inquire the reason *Plan together to visit a place
·    Find out the different ways of responding to the same suggestion (Positive & negative)
·    Dialogue making- *Apologise for not able to accept the offer or to say yes and explain the reason *Planning a trip together
·    Email writing, Translation
·   Responding to a suggestion (Language & Communicative skill)
·   Sense of oneness during festive times (Social & Emotional skill)
·   Apologising (Emotional skill)
·   Email & Translation (Language skill)
February ‘20

·   Revision
·   Revision of all the above topics
·   Exam oriented training
·    Film
·   Listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises
·   Model Test
·   Checking the long term memory and re-anchoring the topics through revision

Facilitators’ name: Devi Balan
Textbook: Planet A1
Resources: Worksheets provided from the German Institute (Goethe-Zentrum, Trivandrum), Hallo Deutsch 1,2 , Team Deutsch, Schritt für Schritt ins Grammatikland

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