English Paper I Language

YEAR PLAN 2019 - 2020
Grade X ENGLISH Paper I (Language)
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June to August 2019
Session Two: September to December 2019
Session Three: January to March 2020
Continuous  Assessments: June, July, August, September, November, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I – August 2019
Summative Assessment II-December 2019
Summative Assessment III – March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
AIM:  Development of good communication skills in English. These skills will enable a person to live and work in a knowledge-based society helping him get in touch with and keep in touch with others as well as his own inner life.
The students will develop the ability to use English for day to day communication in academic and social situations in India and anywhere in the world and sharpen their language as a "tool to think with".
GENENRAL OBJECTIVES:   Develops and integrates the use of the four language skills for the purpose of effective communication.
                                          Expresses their ideas and feelings in their own words.
                                          Develops a functional understanding of the grammar, structure and idiom of the language                
NB: Only Functional Grammar designed to meet the requirements of the board exam will be taught this year.
Specific Learning Objectives
Activities/Creative Writing

Chapter 5
Sequence o f Tenses
Types of Composition
Chapter 6
Direct and Indirect Speech
Paragraph Writing
Chapter 7
Synthesis of Sentences
Narrative Composition
Summary Writing
ü  recalls the types of composition
ü  recalls sequence of tenses
ü  recalls direct and indirect speech
ü  Combines two or more separate sentences to a new one

ü  Narrative Composition
ü  Text Book Exercises
ü  Test Paper 5,6,7

Total English 10

Chapter 8
Transformation of Sentences
Story Writing
Chapter 9
Transformation of Sentences
Descriptive Composition
Letter of Application
Chapter 10
          Argumentative Composition
ü  Combines two or more separate sentences to a new one
ü  transforms sentences from one grammatical form to another
ü  identifies and corrects errors in sentences  
ü  recalls the use of adjectives
ü  recalls the format of the letter  
ü  Learns to support arguments with facts and reasons
ü  argues with proper points and proofs

ü  Letters
ü  Transformation of Sentences 1  Text Book Exercises
ü  Descriptive Composition
ü  Argumentative Composition
ü  Story Writing
ü  Test Paper 8, 9 & 10
Total English 10

Listening/Speaking test
Term Examination I

Chapter 11
Comparison of Adjectives
Critical writing
Letters of Complaint
Chapter 12
Factual Writing
Letter Writing-Invitation
Chapter 13
Conditional Sentences
Personal Writing
ü  identifies the key elements of a letter of complaint
ü  recalls the use of adjectives
ü  produces a factual description with accurate use of words associated with the process and the appropriate use of the passive voice
ü  recalls the use of adverbs
ü  Recalls the use of conditional clauses
ü  Produces writing of autobiographical nature with proper tone and style

ü  Comparison of Adjectives
ü  Text Book Exercises
ü Test Paper 11, 12 & 13
ü Letter of Complaint
ü Letter writing-invitation
Total English 10

Chapter 14
Picture Composition
Chapter 15
Selective Summary

ü  Learns to produce an expected response to a stimulus
ü  Recalls the use of prepositions
ü  writes with precision and concision
ü  recalls the use of articles
ü  Picture Composition
ü  Prepositions
ü  Conditional Sentences
ü  Articles
ü  Summary Writing
ü  Test Paper  14 & 15

Total English 10
Listening/Speaking test
Model Examination I
Model Examination II
February/ March
                                                                                                Board Examination
Facilitators: Mr Sreekumar K, Mrs Sangeetha M, Mrs Soorya Gayathri
Resource Book: Total English Book  X

English Paper II Literature

YEAR PLAN 2019 - 2020
Grade X ENGLISH Paper II (Literature)
The academic year is divided into three sessions
Session One: June to August 2019
Session Two: September to December 2019
Session Three: January to March 2020
Continuous  Assessments: June, July, August, September, November, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I – August 2019
Summative Assessment II-December 2019
Summative Assessment III – March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING:  Varied perspectives on life through a variety of literary works and better communicative skills
                                                   Develops an appreciation of good literature
                                                   Experiences the thoughts and feelings of the people of the world
                                                   Understands the motivations of characters in drama and the short stories
                                                   Comprehends the plot in detail using contextual clues
                                                   Appreciates the beauty of literary expressions and devices
Specific Learning Objectives

Merchant of Venice Act III, Scene 2,3,4,5                                            
Ø  Identifies the themes of loyalty to friends, disguise and deceit
Ø  Recalls the motives of different characters
Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (poem)
   The Blue Bead

Ø  Understands the significance of freedom in our lives

Ø  Identifies the hardships and struggles of an ordinary tribal girl

Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts
Merchant of Venice Act IV, scene 1,2 
Ø  Appreciates the plot development in the play

Revision/ Term 1 Examination

All Summer in a Day
The Patriot (Poem) 

Ø  Analyses the mind set of Margot, and how the minds of her classmates' change

Ø  Identifies the patriot’s rise and fall

Reading and explanation
Workbook extracts
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts

Merchant of Venice Act V                     
Ø  Appreciates the restoration of harmony and romance
Reading and explanation
Oral/written assessments
Prescribed Literary texts
Model Examination I
Model Examination II
February/ March
Board Examination
Projects: Critically analyse ‘After Blenheim’ as a war poetry
               Explain the themes of oppression and clash of civilization as portrayed in ‘Chief Seattle’s Speech’.
              Character Sketch of Portia in ‘The Merchant of Venice’
Facilitator: Mr. Sreekumar, Mrs Sangeetha M, Mrs Soorya Gayathri
Text Books: The Merchant of Venice Publisher: Beta Publishers
                    Treasure Trove - A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories Publisher: Evergreen Publications
Work Books: The Merchant of Venice Publisher: Beta Publishers
                  A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories vol. 1 & 2 Publisher: Morning Star


YEAR PLAN 2019 – 2020
The academic year is divided into Three  sessions
Session One: June 2019 to August 2019
Session Two: September 2019 to December 2019
Session Three- January 2020 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: June, July,  October, November, January

First Term Exam: August 2019
Second Term Exam: December 2019
Final Exam: February 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Enduring Understanding:
·          To realize the importance and effect of the interrelationship of life and that any change can cause an imbalance.
·          To understand united we stand, divided we fall.
·          To acquire the knowledge of the economic importance of plants and animals.
·          To develop an understanding of the inter-relationship between sustainability and environmental adaptations.
·          To develop sensitivity in personal attitudes to environmental issues.
·          To emphasize on the different systems and the functions in the human body.
·           To prepare practical record book
·          To prepare a report on environmental pollution
Session One: June 2019 to August 2019
Specific Learning objectives
Economic Importance of Bacteria and Fungi.

Digestive System

Monthly Test
(i)Bacteria: To be able to understand and explain
·          Useful role of bacteria in fields of medicine, agriculture and industries.
·          Harmful role of bacteria in spoilage of food, diseases in plants and animals, Bio weapons, Denitrification.
·          Their role in bakeries, breweries, cheese processing.
·          Mushroom Cultivation
      To identify the organs and functions of the Digestive   system

·          Growth of bread mould on a piece of bread covered under a bell jar. Observe the hyphae and spores.
·          Draw the diagrams of a bacterial cell and fungi
·          Write a brief note on the different types of bioweapons used in the world.
·          Conduct different food tests for sugar, starch, protein and fats. Observation and inferences in tabular form in the record book.
·          Identification of sugar, starch and protein with reagents.
·          Give a briefing about the malnutrition faced by the tribal people.
·          Study the parts of the human alimentary canal and the associated parts.
·          Draw and label the parts of the human digestive system.
Bio visual Charts
Text books RatnaSagar, YP Purang
Skeleton-Movement and Locomotion

Monthly Test

Skin-“The jack of all trades”

·          To recall the functions of human skeleton
·          To identify types of-
·          joints: immovable, slightly movable, freely movable
·          Muscles and location
·          To explain lever mechanisms
·          To describe-
·          the structure and functions of skin
·          Model of human skeleton, study of various bones, Parts of axial and appendicular skeleton, Types of joints in our body.
·          Study of different types of movable joints in man.
Model of Human skeleton
Skin-“The jack of all trades”

·          Derivatives of the skin
·          Heat regulation of body To be able to categorize diseases-
·          Study the skin with the help of the bio visual chart.
·          Draw a diagrammatic sketch of the vertical section of human skin.
Bio visual chart
Text books RatnaSagar, YP Purang
Text books RatnaSagar,                         


Second Term : September 2019 to December 2019

Diseases: Cause and Control
·          Diseases caused by bacteria, protozoa, parasitic worms
·          Viral diseases

Collect information from the Internet & Newspapers about the occurrence and symptoms of recent bacterial and viral diseases.

The Respiratory System

Monthly Test
·             Simple personal hygiene
·          Social hygiene and sanitation
·          Mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats and diseases
·          Contamination of water and water borne diseases
·          To define respiration and types of respiration
·          To identify the organs involved in respiration
Group discussion on vector borne diseases
Newspaper and health magazines
The Respiratory System

Waste generation and management Pollution (Project) Grade X Topic
Monthly Test
·          To explain mechanism of breathing
·          To describe heat production during the process
·          Wastes
·          Categories of wastes
·          Methods of safe disposal of wastes
·          To identify- types of pollution, sources of pollution, major pollutants. Green house effect, Swach Bharath
Experiments to prove:
·          Water is lost while breathing.
·          Carbon dioxide is given out in breathing.
·          Action of diaphragm during breathing.
·           Discuss and write a report on types  of pollution. Include cause, effects and solutions.
·          Poster making on waste management
Text books RatnaSagar, YP Purang hc1YtXc_84A

Third Term: January 2020- March 2020



Grade X Topics-
Structure of Chromosomes, Cell cycle and cell division

·          To understand the structure and function of chromosomes
·          To identify the different stages of cell cycle.
·          To understand the significance of mitosis and meiosis.
·          Revision
·          Observation of permanent slides.
·          Biovisual charts of chromosomes.

Cell biology by karp
 Living Science RatnaSagar


Final Examination

Human Evolution
Nervous System

Monthly Test

·          To have a basic understanding on human evolution and theories of evolution.
·          To understand structure of Neuron, divisions of nervous system.
·          To be able to explain structure and functions of the various parts of brain, spinal cord.
·          To identify parts of human eye and ear and relate its functions

·          Investigate evidences of natural selection.
·          Study of structure of the brain and sense organs with the help of models and biovisual charts.
Text book
Articles from newspaper on latest findings on human fossils/ findings Biology textbooks of various publishers

Revision of grade 9 topics(whole syllabus) to prepare students for the Board examination to be held in February 2020
Concise biology Selina publishers 9 and 10.
Name of facilitators: Mrs.Juhi Sivakumar, Mrs Raji Rajesh and Mrs Neetu
Approved by the Principal


YEAR PLAN 2019- 2020
The academic year is divided into three terms.
Term -1: August 2019
Term 2: December 2019
Term 3: March2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: To  develop  the  ability to appreciate  achievements in the field of chemistry and  its role in nature and  society
General Objectives:
v  To impart the knowledge of terms, concepts, processes and principles related to the subject.
v  Develop the skills in proper handling of apparatus and chemicals.
Project:    Assignment on identification of gases.
                 Working model for electrolysis, electroplating.
                 Past paper questions.
                                                                                                                     Term 1
Specific Learning Objectives



1.Study of Gas Laws
·          Behaviour of gases under change of temperature and pressure.
·          Boyle’s Law, Charles’ Law
Relationship between Kelvin scale and Celsius Scale of Temperatures.

2.Language of chemistry
Chemical symbols, formulas, valancy, chemical equations.
Relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass

3 Atmospheric pollution
Acid rain
Global warming
Greenhouse effect
Ozone depletion

4.Chemical changes and Reactions
Types of reactions

Predicts the change in volume of gases under variable temperatures and pressures.

Recalls the chemical formulas, chemical equations

Recalls the effect of acid rain on soil and water bodies. Identifies the green  house gases.
Identifies the types of reactions and characteristics of chemical reactions.

Solve numerical, based on gas laws.

Work out chemical formulas and balances chemical equations
Solving past  papers.

Seminar on acid rain and global warming. Power point presentation; quiz

Working out various examples of types of chemical reaction, Lab work

Text book

Text book
Together with.

Text book

Text book
Viraf dalal


Physical properties of water
Water is a universal solvent
Solutions, solubility, crystallisation, hydrated and anhydrous substance.

Recalls the significance of water and its properties.


Test for water of crystallisation- .Action of heat on hydrated copper sulphate and cobalt chloride.


Text book

               Term- 2


6. Hydrogen –
                Position of the non- metal in the periodic table.          Preparation, properties and uses

Recalls the properties of hydrogen.
Identifies the chemical reactions of hydrogen

Demonstration: preparation of hydrogen.
Writing chemical properties and chemical equations of hydrogen.

Text book

October and

7. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
    (Grades IX and X).

Structure of atom; mass number, atomic number, and octet rule.
Isotopes and Application of isotopes.
Types of chemical bonding.

Recalls the types of changes
Identifies their characteristics
                                                                                                     Recollects the subatomic particles; the structure of atoms and types of bonding in molecules

Class room discussions.
Lists out various examples of physical and chemical changes.   
Writing and balancing the equations.                                                                                            
Diagrams and models on atomic structures.
Electron dot structure of ionic and covalent compounds

Text book


8.The Periodic Table (Grades IX and X)
·          Periodic table based on atomic number and mass number.
·          Contributions of Mendeleev, Newland and
·          Dobereiner.
       Modern Periodic Ta Periodic properties
Periodic properties and their variations in groups and periods.
Periodicity on the basis of atomic number for elements.

Classifies the elements according to their groups and properties.

Predicts the properties of elements in groups and periods

Power point presentation.
Quiz, mind–map and class activities.

Mind mapping, Flow chart, Comparative group wise study of elements in the aid of periodic table.

Text book, periodic table.

Periodic  table
Text book by Viraf Dalal.
Term -3

And february

                         Revision and term 3 exam

Textbook: Selina publishers part 1 and 2
Facilitators: Mrs. Ashwani , Mrs Jiny Wilfred, Mrs Anitha Mathew

Commercial Applications

YEAR PLAN 2019– 2020

The academic year is divided into three sessions
Session One: June 2019 to August 2019
Session Two: September 2019 to December 2019
Session three: January 2020
Continuous assessments: July, September, October, November, January
First Term Exam :    August 2019
Second Term Exam: January 2020
Third Term Exam:     February 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.

Enduring understanding: Recognise the fact that business influences and is influenced by social, political, legal and economic forces.

General Objectives:

·          Develop an understanding of the processes of business and its environment.
·          Develop an interest in the theory and practice of business, trade and industry.
·          Familiarize learners with the theoretical foundations of communication in a business organization.
·          Identify the ownership structure and their features.

Specific learning objectives

Classification of Commercial Organization: Meaning and nature
Classification on the basis of activities; on the basis of objectives;
on the basis of ownership structures.
Charitable organization; franchise
Ownership Structures- A brief introduction.
Classification of commercial organization according to various activities.

Discuss the concept of ownership structure in an organization.
Relevant industry examples are given by the students after the basic understanding of the terms and their distinctions.

Various illustrations will be discussed under this topic.

Elementary Commercial Applications for ICSE Class-1X – M.L.Das
Sole proprietorship: Meaning, features, Merits & Demerits of Sole proprietorship, Joint Hindu Family Business, Partnership, Joint stock company & Cooperative society
Discussing the features of sole proprietorship and Joint Hindu Family business, partnership, joint stock company & Cooperative society.
Relevant examples will be shared and  will discuss in the class
ICSE Commercial Organizations PART 1

Revision for First Term Exam

Accounting terms and Concepts: Need & relevance of accounting, Basic concepts of debit and credit, simple understanding of accounting records.
Understand the basic terms and concepts of accounting.
Discussing the basic concepts of accounting terminologies.
Environmental Awareness:
Practices for conservation of resources. Industrial pollution and degradation of environment.
Identifying the practices of conservation of resources and measures to control pollution and degradation.
Discussing the practices of conservation practices of resources.

 Grade X portions will start
Human resource Management
Role of human resource management.
Importance of human resource management: Meaning, nature, features, functions and role of HRM in an organization

Understand the meaning, features & nature of human resource management. Understand the importance and functions of human resource management in various sectors. Identifying the different sources for recruiting employees in an organization

Discuss and debate with examples.

Discussing the role of human resource management in an organization
Revision for term 2 exam

Meaning & sources (direct and Indirect), Factors influencing the nature of recruitment. Selection: Meaning, process(Steps) Tests and Interview. Training: Meaning & Importance

Explain the sources of recruitment which used in various organizations.

Understand the concept of selection and training happening in the organization.
Discussing the meaning , sources of recruitment with the help of sharing real life examples.
Discussing how selection process is happening on different organizations.
Revision and  Third Term examination
Past question papers
Past question papers

Facilitators’ name: Diviya Mary Prem
Textbook: Commercial Applications  Grade IX by C.B Gupta.
Projects: As per the guidelines given by ICSE
Approved by the principal

Commercial Studies

YEAR PLAN 2019– 2020

The academic year is divided into three sessions
Session One: June 2019 to August 2019
Session Two: September 2019 to December 2019
Session three: January 2020
Continuous assessments: July, September, October, November,  January
First Term Exam :    August 2019
Second Term Exam: December 2019
Third Term Exam:     February 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.

Enduring understanding: Recognise the fact that business influences and is influenced by social, political, legal and economic forces.

General Objectives:

·          Develop an understanding of the processes of business and its environment.
·          Develop an interest in the theory and practice of business, trade and industry.
·          Familiarize learners with the theoretical foundations of communication in a business organization.
·          Identify the ownership structure and their features.

Specific learning objectives

Understanding the functions of a commercial organization: Marketing and Sales, Finance and Accounting, Human Resources (personnel, training), Production ,Purchasing and Stores and  General Administration and Legal.

Discussing the functions of a commercial organization with real life examples.
Relevant industry examples are given by the students after the basic understanding of the terms and their distinctions.

Various illustrations will be discussed under this topic.
Elementary Commercial Applications for ICSE Class-1X – M.L.Das
Communication in commercial organization: Meaning, characteristics, process, importance and different methods of communication.
Discussing the different methods of communication (letter, facsimile, e-mail, videoconference, memo, telephonic conversation, etc.)
Relevant examples will be shared and  will discuss in the class.
ICSE Commercial Organizations PART 1

Revision for First Term Exam

Accounting principles and Concepts:
Understand the basic principles of accounting, how to prepare a journal etc.
Discussing the Meaning and classification of accounts – (conventional and modern), rules of debit and credit.
Ledger and Trial balance: Meaning, posting and balancing of ledger accounts. (Ledger posting on the basis of simple journal entries).
Explaining the posting and balancing of ledger accounts with the help of illustrations.
Discussing the journal entries and trial balance.

 Cash book : Meaning, types of cash books, preparation of single column cash book.
Trade: Meaning and types of trade
Understand the preparation of cash book, types of trade, functions of retailers and wholesalers.
Discuss and debate with examples.

Revision for term 2 exam

Issues of the Environment: Types of pollution – air, water, soil, radiation and noise. Effects of pollution on environment and human health, Management of waste in industrial and commercial establishments. Abatement of pollution
 Discussing the issues of the environment ;air; water; noise pollution; Management of waste in industrial and commercial establishments. Methods of safe disposal of waste.
Relevant examples will be shared and  will discuss in the class.
Revision and  Third Term examination
Past question papers
Past question papers

Facilitators’ name: Diviya Mary Prem
Textbook: Commercial Studies   Grade IX by C.B Gupta.
Projects: As per the guidelines given by ICSE

Approved by the principal

Computer Applications

YEAR PLAN 2019 – 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to February 2020
Continuous Assessments: July, August, September, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: February 2020
Please check the index page in the notebook for Continuous Assessment marks.
Aim: To learn the fundamental concepts of computer programming using Java
Enduring Understanding: Technology is used to simplify day to day processes; computers can be effectively used for problem solving.
Objective: Learn the rudiments of programming using the Java language to develop the most effective and logical solution to the problem
Projects/Field trips: Project on different type of numbers with variable description and output to be printed and submitted in a spiral bound file.
Session One – JUNE 2019 TO OCTOBER 2019
Specific Learning Objectives

Chapter 3 - Introducing Java on the BlueJ Environment
Chapter 4 - Class as Basis of all computation
Refresh Java programs done in Grade VIII on selection construct
A quick recap, BlueJ IDE, handling projects and classes in BlueJ
Learn about Java tokens, keywords, data types, identifiers, literals and operators
  Output problems
  Debugging code snippets
  Worksheet on sequence and selection construct
  Text book exercises
  Exercises from the  reference books
  Computer Applications -  Grade X by Pandey and Dey
  Computer Applications - Grade X by Dheeraj Malhotra
  Assignments and sample papers from the net
Chapter 4 - Class as Basis of all computation. (continued)
Chapter 10 - Decision making statements

Understand operator associativity, valid expressions, data type conversion (explicit and implicit)
Learn shift and bitwise operators and Math functions.
Learn to obtain input from user and provide output, type of program errors, IO exception and packages in Java
Understand programming construct, selection statements, if else statement.
  Output problems
  Debugging code snippets
  Worksheet on sequence and selection construct
  Text book exercises
  Exercises from the  reference books
  Computer Applications -  Grade X by Pandey and Dey
  Computer Applications - Grade X by Dheeraj Malhotra
  Assignments and sample papers from the net
Chapter 10 - Decision making statements. (continued)

Learn nested ifs, conditional operator and switch statement.
  Output problems
  Debugging code snippets
  Worksheet on sequence and selection construct
  Text book exercises
  Exercises from the  reference books
  Computer Applications -  Grade X by Pandey and Dey
  Computer Applications - Grade X by Dheeraj Malhotra
  Assignments and sample papers from the net


(Onam Holidays)

Chapter 5 – Functions

Understand functions and its types, function declaration and ways of calling functions.
Returning information/messages from the functions.

Continuation of Functions

Use of multiple functions and more than one function with the same name (function overloading)

Session Two – NOVEMBER 2019 TO FEBRUARY 2020

Chapter 11 - Iteration through loops

Computing and Ethics

SA 2
Learn about iteration construct using Java, use of the construct, three different statements, syntax and semantics of for, while and do-while.

Artificial Intelligence, Virtual reality, Cyber security, Privacy, email, netiquette, spam, phishing. Intellectual property and corresponding laws and rights.
  Programs on selection and Iteration construct
  Text book exercises
  Exercises from the  reference books
  Computer Applications -  Grade X by Pandey and Dey
  Computer Applications - Grade X by Dheeraj Malhotra
  Assignments and sample papers from the net
Chapter 11 - Iteration through loops (continued)
Nested loops, Jump statements - break and continue
  Programs on selection and Iteration construct
  Text book exercises
  Exercises from the  reference books
  Computer Applications -  Grade X by Pandey and Dey
  Computer Applications - Grade X by Dheeraj Malhotra
  Assignments and sample papers from the net

Chapter 11 - Iteration through loops (continued)

Using iteration construct to solve various patterns


Term 3 Exam

Facilitators' name: Ms Kavitha MS and Mrs Rosmary Michael  and Ms. Bindhu Ann Thomas
Textbook: Computer Applications (Grade X) by Sumita Arora
Our Blog: for updates on worksheets and sample papers. 

Environmental Science

YEAR PLAN 2019– 2020

The academic year is divided into three sessions
Session One: June 2019 to August 2019
Session Two: September 2019 to December 2019
Session three: January 2020
Continuous assessments: July, September, October, November,  January
First Term Exam :    August 2019
Second Term Exam: January 2020
Third Term Exam:     February 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.

Enduring understanding: Environment includes all those things on which we are directly or indirectly dependent for our survival, whether it is living component like animals, plants or non-living component like soil, air water.

General Objectives:

·          It deals with the study of flow of energy and materials in the environment.
·          It deals with the exchange of various materials between the biotic and abiotic components of environment. E.g., Biogeochemical cycles.
·          Developing an attitude of concern for the environment.
·          Motivating public to participate in environment protection and environment improvement.

Specific learning objectives

Kinds of Ecosystem: Forests, Grasslands, Deserts and Tundra
Fresh water eco systems: lakes and ponds; wetlands - marshes and swamps; rivers.
Marine ecosystems: Estuaries, coral reefs, oceans etc.

Biogeographic zones of India.
Discuss  the Tropical rainforests and threats to rainforests; temperate rainforests; temperate deciduous forests; Taiga with examples.
Explaining the threats to the temperate grasslands, deserts and Tundra. Explaining the different biogeographic zones.
Relevant industry examples are given by the students after the basic understanding of the terms and their distinctions.

Various illustrations will be discussed under this topic.


Water, Air : Our water resources, Fresh water pollution, ocean pollution, causes of air pollution and impacts of air pollution.
How pollutants get into the sea ?
Major air pollutants to be discussed.
Thermal invasions , acid precipitation affects eco systems.

Discussing the solutions to water shortages in terms of desalting the sea, towing water, water conservation and water harvesting.
Discussing the water pollution affects ecosystems; artificial eutrophication, thermal pollution. Cleaning up water pollution. The special problem of groundwater pollution; bottled water.

Relevant examples will be shared and  will discuss in the class

Revision for First Term Exam

Atmosphere and climate:
Green house earth: The Greenhouse Effect, rising carbon dioxide levels, GHGs and the earth’s temperature (global warming); Ozone layer
Discussing the balance between photosynthesis and respiration; layers of the atmosphere and What determines climate (latitude, atmospheric circulation patterns, ocean circulation patterns.

Soil and Land : Deforestation, soil erosion and desertification and land pollution.
Identifying the practices of conservation of resources and measures .
Discussing the practices of conservation practices of resources.

 People and Urbanization: World poverty and gap between developed and developing countries.
Explaining the Poverty in developed countries, poverty in developing countries. Rural poverty and urban poverty. Implications of poverty trap.
Causes of urbanization.
Relevant examples will be shared and  will discuss in the class
Term Examination

Discussing the Unsustainable patterns of modern industrialized agriculture, green revolution, Environmental damage due to large farm units.
Relevant examples will be shared and  will discuss in the class
ICSE Environmental Science for grade IX- Dr. Kalpana
Revision and  Third Term examination
Past question papers
Past question papers

Facilitators’ name: Shibina
Textbook: Environmental Science  Grade IX by Dr.Kalpana
Projects: As per the guidelines given by ICSE
Approved by the principal


YEAR PLAN 2019 - 2020
The academic year is divided into Three sessions
Continuous assessments: July, August, December, January, February
First term:       August 2019
Second term:  December 2019
Third term:      February 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Aim: To promote awareness and interest in sustainable development of the environment
Enduring understanding: Man is a part of the vast universe with the power to protect or destroy.
·          develop an understanding of the terms, concepts and principles related to Geography-composition and structure of the atmosphere.
·          explain the cause–effect relationships between natural phenomena.
·          understand the patterns and processes that affect human response to the natural environment.
·          acquire practical skills to study maps, their uses.
·          develop drawing skill- composition and structure of the atmosphere, pressure belts, types of rainfall etc.
Project: As  per the ICSE syllabus
DOS :  January 15th, 2020
Session One - JUNE TO AUGUST 2019
Specific  Learning Objectives
Thinking skill

Atmospheric pressure and wind belts

Interpret the isobars and maps on the distribution of precipitation
Understand seasonal, latitudinal and surface variations depicted by global pressure belts using the factors controlling atmospheric temperature.
Understand the factors influencing condensation and types of precipitation.
Environmental awareness
comparing and contrasting
predicting outcomes
Diagrams- types of  clouds
Discussion and explanation
Mind map: types of condensation and precipitation

Group discussions
Assignments from the text books and other reference books

Natural regions of the world

Pollution- Types and sources
Identify different natural regions of the world

Identify and understand different types of pollution.
Environmental awareness
Making decisions
Spatial awareness

Map work: Natural regions of the world
Prepare a table to show the difference in characteristic features of the natural regions

Pollution- Effects and Prevention

(Continuation of grade IX and introduction of Grade X)
Impact of Waste Accumulation
Create awareness about the effects of pollution
Suggest the techniques to control pollution
planning what to do

Making ideas
Self explanatory - ozone depletion.
Collection of articles regarding the effects of pollution
Group discussion
Power point presentation- students take down notes
Chart for display
                                                                                                TERM II  SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 2019
Need for waste Management
Safe disposal of Waste
Suggest the techniques to control pollution.

Understand the need for waste management
Analyzing data
Processing information
Assignments from the text books and previous years question papers

Interpretation of Topographical Maps

Map of India
Mountain ranges and plateaux
Interpret relief features using contours and conventional & symbols.
Calculating scale

Locate different features using grid references
Preparation of tables (conventional signs and symbols)
Scale conversion
Map work: Mountains and Plateaus: Himalayas, Karakoram, Aravali, Vindhyas, Satpura, Western and Eastern Ghats, Nilgiris, Garo, Khasi, Jaintia, Deccan, Chota Nagpur, Malwa Plateau.
Interpretation of Topographical Maps

Soils in India

Map of India
Plains – Indo Gangetic plains, coastal plains – Konkan, Malabar, Coromandel and the Northern Circars.
Rivers: Indus, Ravi, Beas, Chenab, Jhelum, Sutlej, Ganga, Yamuna, Ghagra, Gomti, Gandak, Kosi Chambal, Betwa, son, Damodar, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Tapti, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Tungabhadra
Interpret relief features using contours and conventional & symbols.

Understand the characteristics and distribution of different types of soil.

Locate different features using grid reference.

Interpret topographical map
(45 D/7, 45 D/10)

Locate physical features on an outline map of India

Processing information

Map work
Assignments from the text books and previous years question papers

Map Work
Water bodies – Gulf of Kutch, Gulf of Khambhat, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Strait, Andaman Sea and Chilka lake, Wular lake
Passes – Karakoram, Nathu – La Passes.
Latitudes and Longitudes – Tropic of Cancer Standard Meridian
Direction of Monsoon winds – S W monsoon (The Arabian Sea branch and the Bay of Bengal branch), Retreating monsoon.
Locate physical features on an outline map of India.                                                                                                                               

predicting outcomes
Assignments from the text books and previous question papers.

Map work
                                                                                           TERM III JANUARY – MARCH 2020
The climate of India

Understand the characteristics of the Indian climate.

Comparing and contrasting
Environmental awareness
Map work: Direction of monsoon winds.

Group discussions.
Assignments from the text book and previous questions papers,
Map work - soil distribution in India,


The Natural vegetation of India

Water resources

Understand the characteristics and distribution of vegetation.
Create awareness on the sustainable use of water resources.
Gain knowledge on the conventional and non-conventional resources of water.
Comparing  and contrasting
Environmental awareness
Predicting what to do
Group discussions.
Assignments from the text book and previous questions papers,
Power point presentation - students take down notes

Books :
Environmental Geography: Sawindra Singh
India A comprehensive Geography: Khullar
Principles of Cartography: R P Misra
Interactive websites/softwares

Approved by the Principal
Facilitators :  Mrs.Sreerenini R, Mrs Somy Mathew.
Textbook: ICSE Geography for IX, Ratna Sagar, Total Geography X, Morning Star

YEAR PLAN 2019 – 2020
GRADE: IX HINDI 2nd Language
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments:June, July, August, December , January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
Aim: To develop the skills to communicate with others and express oneself in Hindi and also develop the skills to create and appreciate literary works
Objectives:  To develop skills reading, listening, comprehending, speaking and writing
                  To develop a keen sense of beauty in literature
                  To develop an understanding of different cultures
                  To develop creative writing skills             
                                                                                              Session One: June – October 2019
Specific Learning objectives

Naye Rasthe 1,2,3,4
Composition-Essay on Inflation
recalls the theme and the plot
retells the story in proper sequence
identifies the character traits and motives
compares the character traits and motives
states the author’s views on life
substantiates arguments citing events. 
Written work.
Text book
Naye Rasthe.
 Recalls and uses noun in Meaningful sentence
Written work
Saral vyakaran   

Naye Rasthe 5,6,7,8
recalls the theme and the plot
retells the story in proper sequence
identifies the character traits and motives
compares the character traits and motives
states the author’s views on life
substantiates arguments citing events.  
Naye Rasthe

Composition-essay on save water.(Assignment)

recalls and uses pronouns, gender, proverbs and synonyms in meaningful sentences
Indeclinable words
Develop the skill of reading, writing and comprehension.
Answering questions.
Mind mapping.
and Composition writing.
Saral vyakaran.>
Ekaankki sanchai 1
Letter writing-Formal
recalls important lines
recalls the theme and content
rephrases complex expressions
states the novelist views on life
substantiates arguments with quotes
Creative writing
Ekaankki sanchai 1
Naye Rasthe 9,10
Ekaanki sanchai-2
recalls the theme and the plot
retells the story in proper sequence
identifies the character traits and motives
compares the character traits and motives
states the author’s views on life
substantiates arguments citing events
Answer the question.
Naye Rasthe

Letter writing-formal and informal.
recalls and identifies the meaning of common words
uses everyday vocabulary in the proper context
 develop the skill of  reading, writing and comprehension
composes formal and informal letters in proper formats

Mind mapping and Composition writing.
Various grammar book.


Composition-Problem faced because of the increase in population.
develop the skill of  reading, writing and comprehension.And write in creative manner.

Creative thinking and writing
Library books.
Naye Rasthe 11,12
recalls the theme and the plot
retells the story in proper sequence
identifies the character traits and motives
compares the character traits and motives
states the author’s views on life
substantiates arguments citing events
Writing the answer
Naye Rasthe
Recalls and identifies verbs adverbs,idioms and proverbs.

Writing the answer
Simple grammar book.
Session Two - November-March 2020
Ekankki sanchai-3
recalls important lines
recalls the theme and content
rephrases complex expressions
Question and answer
Ekaankki Sanchai

Composition-Terrorissm:An International Problem .
Picture composition.
develop the skill of  reading, writing and comprehension.And write in creative manner.

Creative thinking and writing
Simple grammar book.
Naye Rasthe-13,14,15
Composition-Dowry System.
recalls the theme and the plot
retells the story in proper sequence
identifies the character traits and motives
compares the character traits and motives
states the author’s views on life
substantiates arguments citing events
Writing the answer
Text book.
Naye Rasthe

Ekaankki Sanchai-4
recalls important lines
recalls the theme and content
rephrases complex expressions
Ekaankki Sanchai

Naye Rasthe -16,17,18
Composition-Importance of Newspaper in human life.
recalls the theme and the plot
retells the story in proper sequence
identifies the character traits and motives
compares the character traits and motives
states the author’s views on life
substantiates arguments citing events
Writing the answer
Creative Writing
Naye Rasthe

Develop the skill of reading, writing and comprehension.
Writing the answer
Grammar books.
Saral vyakaran
Textbooks: Ekaankki Sanchai, Naye Rasthe  , Saral vyakaran
Name of the Facilitator: Mrs. Jayasree.p.s

History and Civics

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