Grade VIII Maths and English 2019-20 Year Plans


The academic year is divided into two sessions

Session one: June 2019 to October 2019

Session two: November 2019- March 2019

Continuous assessments: July, August, December, January, February

Summative assessments I: October 2019

Summative assessments II: March 2020

Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment.

Enduring Understanding: To achieve the confidence to use the language in real life situations.

Objectives: To express your ideas and negotiate your opinions through speaking, reading and writing.

Resource : Apprenons le français 4, Cahier d’exercices 4

Project : SA I - Civilisation/culture français ( la gouvernement, La nourriture, enterprise)

              SAII- Découvrez les moyens de transport



Lesson 1: Une boum

Lesson 2 :   Jeanne d’Arc
Ø  Talk about family
Ø  Description of a person
Ø  Forming sentences
Ø  Recall the verbs

Ø  Role play (telephone conversation)
Ø  Converting short sentences into long by adding conjunctions
Ø  Making identity cards
Ø  Family tree
Ø  Comparison with English language(capital&small letters)
Ø  Articles
Ø  Adverbs of quantity
Ø  Adjective possessif
Ø  Irregular verbs
Ø  Cardinal numbers
Ø  Adjective -tout
Ø  Negation professions
Ø  adverbs
Ø  Structure of sentence
Ø  Speaking and writing skills
Ø  Describe skills
Ø  Communication skills (sms)
Ø  Understand the difference between adverb and adjectif

Leçon3 La vie d’un mannequin est-elle facile ?
Leçon4 : On voyage
Ø  One day routine
Ø  Telling time
Ø  Answer negatively
Ø  Speak about travelling
Ø  Make reservation
Ø  Mode of transport
Ø  animals

Ø  Write the daily activity with time.
Ø  Asking questions (mode of interrogation) and  give answer.
Ø  Roleplay(reservation)
Ø  Students form train and move according to the teachers order

Ø  Pronominal verbs
Ø   Interrogation
Ø  Negative expressions
Ø  Interrogative adverbs
Ø  Prepositions before places

Ø  Pragmatic skills
Ø  Asking questions
Ø  Daily life
Ø  Writing diary
Ø  Travelling note
Ø  express disagreement
Ø  follow the directions

Leçon 5 : bon voyage
Leçon 6 : Des nouvelles de Lyon
Ø  action in the past
Ø  narrate an event in the past
Ø  narrate a story
Ø  writing a letter

Ø  narrate action in the past
Ø  make present tense sentences into past tense

Ø  Interrogative adverbs
Ø  Savoir and connaitre
Ø  Prepositions
Ø  -yer verbs
Ø  Describing skills
Ø  Writing and reading skills
Ø  Differentiate each  tense
Ø  Informal letter writing skills

Lecon 0 : Que savez-vous de la France

Ø  French Civilisation
Ø  Match the following
Ø  Labeling map of France.

Ø  Social skills(understand French culture)
Revision SAI


Leçon 7 : Bon appétit

Ø  Make a recipie
Ø  Talk about buying things from each shop.
Ø  Write recipie of
Ø  Negative expression in passe compose
Ø  Imperatif (affirmative, negative, pronominal)

Ø  Pragmatic skills



Leçon8 : Des invitations

Lecon 9 : Anish partira bientot
Ø  Send a message
Ø  Invite someone
Ø  Accepting / refusing an invitation
Ø  Narrate a story(au passe)
Ø  French schools and studies
Ø  Future

Ø  Write invitation letter for birthday
Ø  Accepting and refusing the invitation
Ø  Describing fav.festival
Ø  Describing their future plan(imaginary also)

Ø  Passe compose of pronominal verbs
Ø  Letter format(informal)
Ø  Simple Future
Ø  Expressions with avoir and etre

Ø  Writing skills
Ø  Narrating skills(past tense ; story)
Ø  Can say a dream, a plan of future

Leçon 10 :
La meteo

Ø  Talk about weather
Ø  Describe a city(seasons and weather)

Ø  Game (tenses): choosing verb and one tense(conjugation)
Ø  Listening weather forecast

Ø  Near future
Ø  Recent past
Ø  previsions
Ø  Differentiate the tenses
Ø  Pragmatic skills
Ø  Listening skills


R          revision



YEAR PLAN 2019– 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions.
Session One:  June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two:  November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: July, August, December, January, February
Summative Assessment I:  October 2019
Summative Assessment II:  March 2020
Please check the index page in the note books for Continuous Assessment Marks.
Aim:     To acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to the subject, develop confidence to apply the same in daily life situations and appreciate the importance of Mathematics for the smooth functioning of life.
Enduring Understanding: To understand and appreciate the importance of the subject in daily life.
Main Objectives:  This year plan is  expected to help students,

1.     to become successful learners who enjoy learning;
2.     to understand texts of different subjects so as to communicate knowledge and ideas in ways specific to the subject;
3.     to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts;
4.     to use technology to access and provide information and to communicate with others;
5.     to understand cross-curricular linkages- connect learning across subject areas;
6.     to become confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives;
7.     to become responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society;
8.     to understand and apply core concepts and knowledge from various subjects to real life experiences;
9.     to respect diversity and plurality
10.  to exhibit sensitivity towards environmental issues; learn to manage and utilize resources judiciously.
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019

Specific objectives
Thinking Skills
Learning Process/Activities

June [18]
Ch 1 Rational numbers Ex 1 A,B,C,D,E.
Ch 2 Exponents Ex 2 A,B
Ch 3 Squares and square roots
 Ex 3 A, B, C.
Ch 4 Cubes and cube roots
 Ex 4 A,B.
Ch5 Playing with numbers (Activity)
Recall the number system, Properties of rational numbers. Understanding that between any two rational numbers there lies another rational number.
Apply Laws of exponent with integral powers.
Compute the square root using factors and division method.
Compute the cube root using factors.
Planning what to do
Comparing and contrasting
Looking for alternative solutions
Analysing relationships
Preparing a table to classify numbers, discussion(seminar) on types of numbers, mind mapping. Representing rational numbers on number line.
Simplifying problems using laws of exponents
Computing squares and square roots
 by factor and division method.
Computing the cube root using factors Percentage as a fraction and decimal.

July [21]
Ch 11 Algebraic expressions Ex A,B,C,D,E.
Ch 12 Identities Ex 12A, B, C, D(WS).
Ch 16 Understanding shapes Ex 16 A,B,C
Ch 17 Special types of quadrilaterals (only properties)
Ch 18 Constructions Ex 18 A,B,C,D

Mathematical operations using algebraic expressions.

Recalls the identities.

Angle sum property—interior and exterior angles of polygons. Angles of a quadrilateral.
Properties of parallelograms.
Construction of angles, angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors and quadrilaterals using scale and compass
Asking relevant questions
Analysing relationships
Extending ideas
Posing and defining problems
Comparing units

Differentiating between addition and multiplication of algebraic expressions. Division of a polynomial by a monomial and binomial.
Revising the identities, doing higher order problems .Expanding products, finding out the required expression using identities. Using identities for factorizing.
Solving problems based on finding interior and exterior angles of a regular polygon and angle sum property of quadrilateral. Revising construction of angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors Construction of different types of quadrilaterals

August [20]

Ch 20 Area of trapezium and a polygon Ex 19 A,B, D
Ch 23 Probability Ex 23

Ch 13  Factorisation  Ex 13 A, B, C, D, E & F (WS)
Ch 19 Representing 3 D in 2 D.(Project to be done based on the chapter)

Area of trapezium, parallelogram and circle.
Recall the perimeter and area of plane figures.
Generalizing the notions of chance in events like tossing coins, dice etc.
Develop the skill to use the appropriate method to factorise a given expression

Comparing symbolic models
Extending ideas
Processing the information
Predicting outcomes
Comparing and contrasting
Comparing and contrasting
Processing information
Making deductions
Drawing inferences              
Finding Area and Perimeter of Triangle, Rectangle
Squares and circle using formula. Problems on paths inside or outside of a rectangle.
Problems based on probability of events to be solved
Using identities for factorizing.

Ch 22 Data handling Ex 22 A,B
Ch 10 Direct and Inverse Variation
Ex:10 A,B,C,E
Arranging ungrouped data into groups, graphical representations.
Planning what to do
Comparing and contrasting
Processing information
Applying imagination
Constructing a frequency table using tally marks. Representation of grouped data through bar graphs, pie charts and histograms.
Problems based on direct and indirect variation.

October [8]
Ch 14  Linear Equation in one variable Ex 14  A , B,C (WS)
Understand the operations involved in a linear equation.

Looking for alternative solutions

Simple problems based on linear equations including word problems to be solved.

Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020

Ch 15 Linear Inequations Ex 15 A,B
Ch 6   Sets Ex 6 A,B,C,D
Ch  21 Volume and Capacity
           Ex 21 A,B,C,D
Understands the replacement set and solution set.
Union and intersection of sets. Disjoint and complement set.
Recall the concept of Volume and  Surface area of Cube & Cuboid .Volume and capacity of cylinders.
Making deductions

Looking for alternative solutions

Solving problems based on properties of linear inequations and representing on a number line.
Representation of set in roster or set builder form. Types of sets. Operations of sets.
Problems to find the area and Surface area of cube, cuboid and cylinder  using formula. To construct an open box using chart paper and finding the surface area and volume.

Grade IX
Ch 4  Expansions
Ch 5 Factorization
Taking common and grouping method
Identify the specific identity to be used in a given problem
Analysing relationships
Comparing and contrasting
Revising the identities, doing higher order problems .Expanding products, finding out the required expression using identities
Using identities for factorizing. Doing higher order simplifications

Ch 7  Indices
Ch 8 Logarithms
Ch 9  Triangles

Apply the laws of indices to simplify the given expressions.
Recall the properties of congruency

Analysing relationships
Extending ideas
Doing higher order simplifications using the laws of indices.
Revising the congruency properties of triangles and doing higher order problems based on the above properties

Ch10  Isosceles Triangles.
Ch 11 Inequalities
 Recall the properties of isosceles triangle
 Properties of inequalities of triangles.
Analysing relationships
Comparing and contrasting
Problems based on properties of isosceles triangle.
Problems based on inequalities of triangles to be solved.


Approved by the Principal


INTERACTIVE software/websites
Facilitators’ names:  Mr. M. A. Raju,Mrs. Srividhya, Mrs. Asha Sasidhar,Mrs Anuja
Text Books:  Concise Mathematics Grade  8 ;  Concise Mathematics Grade 9 (Selina Publications)
Textbooks : Concise Mathematics Grade 8 & 9  (Selina Publications)
·          Together with Mathematics – Ravinder Kumar Vimal, Vinod Kumar Jain
·          Understanding ICSE Mathematics- M.L. Aggarwal



YEAR PLAN 2019 – 2020
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: June, July, August, September ,November, December , January, February
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
Please check the index page in the notebooks for Continuous Assessment marks.
AIM:   Students should understand that the principles of physics are applicable to their everyday lives.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: To understand and appreciate how things work.
·          learn and understand the terms, facts, concepts, definitions, laws and processes of Physics.
·          develop the skill to handle apparatus, record observations and draw diagrams, graphs, etc.
·          be able to read data and draw conclusions and solve problems.
SA I        Experiment to verify Ohm’s law.
SA II      Experiments based on pressure.
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
           Recalls boiling and evaporation.
           Understands thermal expansion of solids,
liquids and gases.
           Applies thermal expansion in daily life.
Experiment to demonstrate thermal expansion.

Frank New Certificate Physics  Class 8 
·          Understands the concept of static electricity and types of charges.
·          Classifies conductors and insulators.
·          Understands different methods of charging an object.
·          Comprehends the working of gold leaf electroscope and lightning conductor.
Experiments to show static electricity.
Frank New Certificate Physics  Class 8 
Current Electricity
·          Differentiates primary cell and secondary cell.
·          Recalls the symbols in circuit diagrams .
·          Understands the concept of potential difference and resistance.
Experiment to verify Ohm’s law.
Concise Physics   Part I for class IX
Reflection of Light
·          Recalls reflection and laws of reflection.
·          Solves numerical problems.

Draws ray diagrams for the image formation by plane mirror and spherical mirror.

Concise Physics   Part I for class IX
Summative Assessment-1 

Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
·          Comprehends production and propagation of sound.
·          Understands the terms related to wave motion and the factors affecting the speed of sound.
·          Distinguishes different frequencies of sound.
Experiments to show the production of sound.
Concise Physics   Part I for class IX
·          Understands induced magnetism, earth’s magnetic field and neutral points.
·          Draws magnetic field lines.
·          Comprehends electromagnet and its uses.

Experiment to show induced magnetism.
Draws magnetic field lines.

Concise Physics   Part I for class IX
Pressure in fluids
·          Understands the concept of  thrust, pressure and fluid pressure.
·          Applies Pascal’s law in daily life.
·          Comprehends the concept of atmospheric pressure and its measurement.
·          Solves numerical problems in Pascal’s law and atmospheric pressure.
Experiments based on pressure.
Concise Physics   Part I for class IX
Heat and Energy
·          Recalls heat and temperature.
·          Understands the concept of anomalous expansion of water and its consequences.
·          Classifies different sources of energy.
·          Understands the concept of green house effect and global warming.
Seminar session.
Concise Physics   Part I for class IX
Summative Assessment-2

Facilitators’ names: Mrs.Rekha S and Mrs. Renjini Sanjay
Textbook: Frank New Certificate Physics  Class 8  and  Concise Physics   Part I for class IX


YEAR PLAN 20192020

The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to October 2019
Session Two: November 2019 to March 2020
Continuous assessments: Class tests by the end of every month, except for October and March.
Summative Assessment I: October 2019
Summative Assessment II: March 2020
AIM:  To make the student understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography). To make him/her able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING:  The student will be able to communicate in areas of most immediate relevance such as personal and family information, local geography, hobbies, profession etc. in a simple and basic manner.
GENERAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To make the student capable to respond to areas of immediate relevance through speech, writing and by understanding a written text or a speech.
Projects/ Field trips: Quiz, Creative Writing, German Story book making/ Description of fitness activities, German Day celebration, Chart/Placard making

Session One - JUNE TO OCTOBER 2019

Specific Learning Objectives
Skills developed/acquired

June ‘19

Lesson 15
·   Animals

·   Grammar- Past tense- ‘Perfekt’ with ‘haben’, diminutive form, Modal verb ‘können’ , Rules of Paste tense in ‘Perfekt’ (with ‘haben’ and ‘sein’)
·   Use of Idioms, to encourage someone to do something, to clarify something, describe an animal, responsibilities of owning a pet,  understanding the advertisements in a newspaper
·   Role play- Scene chosen from ‘Zum Schluss’ Pg 115
·   Chart making- Rules for ‘keeping of animals’

·      Ability to convert thoughts to words (Communicative skill)
·      Kindling the love and care for other beings
·      Understanding the need to be responsible (Social & Emotional skills)

July ‘19
·   Lesson 16
·   Keeping of pets

·    Grammar- irregular verbs, Simple past tense of ‘sein’ verb, Possessive articles ‘unser’ and ‘euer’ in accusative and nominative, the indefinite pronoun ‘man’
·   Plan a trip, make arrangements at home, Rules for keeping pets, long conversations about ones pets
·    Composition ‘Children & Pets’

·      Ability to convert thoughts to words (Communicative skill)

August ‘19
·   Lesson 17
·   School trip/ study tour

·   Grammar- Imperative in polite form, ‘Es gibt’ + accusative
·   To orientate oneself, to ask for help, to state the permissions and prohibitions, to describe a building and its surroundings, house regulations
·   Talk about one’s house/school (building and surrounding)
·   Chart making- Rules in Classroom & School
·   Ability to orientate oneself (developing a mathematical space sense)
·   Understand why it is important to obey the rules (Social skill)

September ‘19
·   Lesson 18
·   Revision

·   Grammar- Simple past tense  ‘haben’ and ‘sein’, ‘Perfekt’ form of verbs, Imperative, Comparative and Superlative forms of adjectives
·   To justify something, to give a reason why something has happened, Free-time activities, understand and explain the rules of games
·   Revision on all the above topics
·   Talk about a situation provided
·   Respond to the instructions read for certain physical activities
·   Exam oriented works –Composition, Email/letter writing, Comprehension, Translation, Dialogue writing

·   Talk instantly about a situation (Imaginative & Language skill)
·    Listening and understanding instructions

October ‘19

·   Lesson 18 continued
·   Improving the reading, listening, writing and speaking skills through thematic exercises

·   Theme-wise vocabulary collection
·   Understanding German the way native Germans speak and write.
Session Two November 2019 - March 2020

November ‘19

·   Lesson 19

·   Grammar- Personal pronoun in Dative
·   To explain about a person’s well-being, Body parts, diseases and illness, Explain the looks of a person
·   PROJECT -Write in detail a posture or a whole exercise for Fitness-training. Read those out loud while others move their body accordingly
·   Psycho test (Pg 20)
·    Ability to convert thoughts to words (Language & Communicative skill)
·    Psycho test (Emotional skill)

December ‘19

·   Lesson 20

·   Grammar- Interrogative Pronoun in nominative and accusative, Comparison sentences using ‘wie’ and ‘als’, Dependant clause using ‘weil’ 
·   To express ones preference on something, to compare people and things, explain the experience one had, Different Sports, to meet with an accident and situation in a hospital
·    Comprehension- Passage on Football tournament
·    Placard- Variety Sports
·    Speaking exercise- Pick a ‘happening’ and spontaneously say a reason (‘weil’ sentences)
·    Christmas special song & video
·    Comprehension (Language & Cognitive skill)
·    Spontaneous speaking (Reasoning skill)
·    Placard (Broadening their horizon)

January ‘20

·   Lesson 21
·   Zum Schluss

·   Grammar- Definite article in dative, Personal pronoun in accusative and dative
·   To invite someone to one’s home, to make a formal and informal invitation card for an event, to order in a Restaurant, to express ones preferences in food, German Cuisine
·    Video on German cuisine
·    Write your Grandmother an Email saying how it was to have a foreigner as guest at home
·    Make an Invitation card for a specific event (PROJECT Work)
·    Understanding and acquiring a sense of similarity and difference in culture(cuisine) between two countries (Communicative skill & Social development)
·    Invitation card (Social skill)

February ‘20

·   Revision
·   Model exam
·   Revising Grammar – Past perfect, simple past tense, Modal verbs ‘können’, ‘müssen’, possessive pronoun, personal pronoun in accusative and dative, Positive, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
·    Role Play- Q&A session
·    Exam oriented works – Composition, Email/letter writing, Comprehension, Translation, Dialogue writing
·    Acting in front of an audience (Social skill & gross motor skill)
·    Checking the long term memory and re-anchoring the topics through revision

Facilitators’ name: Devi Balan
Textbook: Planet A1, Planet A2
Resources: Worksheets provided from the German Institute (Goethe-Zentrum, Trivandrum), Hallo Deutsch- Module1&2, Module3&4, Team Deutsch, Schritt für Schritt ins Grammatikland

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