Grade X - French


March:  Les pronoms personnels (COD, COI, quantité et lieu)
               Les pronoms rélatifs simples ( que, qui, où et dont)
               Comparison (plus de _____que, moins de _____ que;
                                      plus de/ moins de + nombre)

                Superlative ( le plus_____ , le moins)

                Le conditionnel présent

June: Révision on prépositions, le temps , négation et interrogation

         Faites des phrases

         Traduisez en français et en anglais

         Écrivez des lettres, écrivez sur les sujets


July to October: Révision.


YEAR PLAN 2019 –2020
Grade – X - GERMAN
The academic year is divided into two sessions
Session One: June 2019 to August 2019
Session Two: September 2019 to November 2020
Continuous assessments: Class tests by the end of every month, except for the month of 1st term exam
Summative Assessments : 1st Term-August/September 2019, 1st Model Exam-December 2019, 2nd Model Exam-January 2020
Board Exam : March 2020
AIM: 1. To develop and integrate the use of the four language skills i.e, listening, speaking, reading and writing.
2. To use the language effectively and appropriately on topics of everyday life situations.
3. To develop an interest in the appreciation of German.
4. To enhance the ability of the candidates to express their ideas and feelings in their own words and for them to understand the use of correct language.
5. To understand language when spoken at normal conversational speed in everyday life situations.
6. To understand the basic structural patterns of the language, vocabulary and constructions.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING:  The student develops an intercultural awareness and appreciates the language as an effective means of communication. The student will be able to communicate in areas of most immediate relevance such as personal and family information, local geography, hobbies, profession, day-to-day activities etc. in a simple and basic manner.
GENERAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To make the student capable to respond to areas of immediate relevance through speech, writing and by understanding a written text or a speech.
Projects/ Field trips: Quiz, Question Paper/Work Sheet making, Creative Writing, Invitation making and class presentation.

Session One – JUNE 2019 TO AUGUST 2019

Specific Learning Objectives

June ‘19

·   Lesson 20
·   Lesson 21
·   Lesson 22

·    Grammar- Interrogative pronoun in nominative and accusative, Comparison with ‘wie’ and ‘als’, Dependent clause  with ‘weil’, Definite article in dative, Personal pronoun in accusative and dative, Interrogative pronoun in dative
·    Explain about a person’s well-being, Explain the looks of a person, To express ones preference on something, explain the experience one had, Different Sports, to meet with an accident and situation in a hospital, To invite someone to one’s home, to order in a Restaurant, German Cuisine, To talk about ones school and its rooms, school system, subjects, marks, vacation etc
·         Invitation card making for a specific event
·         Letter to Grandmother saying ones well-being
·         Email to one’s foreigner friend
·         Comprehension on the topic ‘Typical German food’
·         Composition - ‘My daily routine’

Listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises (Exam oriented works

July ‘19

·   Lesson 22 (continued)
·   Lesson 23
·   Lesson 24
·   Zum Schluss
·    Grammar-  A few accusative and dative prepositions & verbs, Time form with ‘vor’ and ‘nach’, Dependent clause with ‘dass’, Principal clause with ‘deshalb’, ‘trotzdem’, Place and modal indications using the prepositions ‘an, bei, in, von, zu, mit’ + dative
·    Daily routine of students from around the world, to express one’s own opinion about hobbies, to talk about  one’s thoughts and beliefs, Special hobbies and professions, About the city- Köln, to orient oneself with the surrounding and be able to describe the directions to a particular place, to read and understand advertisements and notifications seen in public places, to write E-mails and letters, describing ones vacation or tour experience
·         Composition - ‘Schools in India and Germany’
·         Grammar exercises - Trotzdem, Deshalb, dass
·         Poster making – A famous German city
·         Completing the dialogue – Scene: Pharmacy
·         Translation – Directions to a particular place

Listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises (Exam oriented works)

August ‘19

·     Lesson 25
·     Lesson 26
·     Lesson 27
·     Revision

·    Grammar- Adjective in nominative and accusative, personal pronoun in dative, indefinite article in dative, modal verb ‘wollen’ and ‘sollen’, reflexive verbs, dependent clause with ‘wenn’, possessive article in nominative, accusative and dative
·    To express ones feelings, to react to a conflict, to express ones likes and dislikes, to make statements which are, friendly, aggressive, calm, nice, harsh etc., etiquette for different situations, to talk about fashion concept, to request or challenge someone to do something, Things in a house, Quarrel and fights between family members, to describe ones dream home
·         Letter to the editor (about problem with ones sibling)
·         Composition – ‘Youth and Fashion’
·         Grammar exercises – reflexive verbs with ‘wenn’
·         Make a note to one’s partner saying the works to be done
·         Email – Tante Nora’s reply (Pg. 75)
·         Revision for 1st term exam.

Listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises (Exam oriented works)
Session Two- SEPTEMBER 2019 – NOVEMBER 2019

September ‘19

·     Lesson 28
·     Lesson 29

·    Grammar- Two-case prepositions ‘hinter, auf, über, unter, vor, neben’, demonstrative article in nominative, accusative and dative, Accusative prepositions ‘für’ and ‘ohne’
·    To express ones ideas, feelings and emotions, to ask someone to do a particular work, to explain the facilities of rooms in one’s house, to describe ones room and the furniture in it, to give the information on location, to invite someone, to wish someone good luck, To make a suggestion, to accept and reject an invitation
·         Composition – ‘My dream home’
·         Completing the dialogue – Missing prepositions
·         Comprehension – Life in a village (Pg. 85)
·         Make an Invitation card for ones Birthday party
·         Comprehension – International festivals

Listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises (Exam oriented works)

October ‘19

·   Lesson 30
·   Lesson 31
·   Lesson 32

·   Grammar- simple past of Modal verbs, two-case prepositions ‘an, auf, in, über, unter, neben, vor’, adjective in nominative, possessive article in dative, Adjectives in dative, adjective ending in accusative and dative
·   To understand the instructions of a game, to understand the weather forecasts to prepare for a Festival, to read and understand a Travel-prospect, to describe a travel destination, to plan ones vacation, to write postcards while travelling, to gather information about a place, to explain the past events, to gather information about famous cities in Germany, to understand road maps, railway time-table and common sign boards.
·         Completing the dialogue – Theme: Weather (Pg. 95)
·         Email writing – Console ones friend (Pg. 95)
·         Grammar – Modal verbs in simple past
·         Comprehension – Travel prospect (Pg. 100)
·         Email writing – Invite your friend to travel together
·         Composition – ‘Vacation with family’
·         Post card from Italy (Pg. 105)

Listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises (Exam oriented works)

November ‘19
·   Lesson 32
·  Revision and exam preparation
·  Exchange programme preparation

·   Training the students using the Exam practice book ‘Get Ready’
·   Preparing the students for the oncoming students’ exchange programme
·         Listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises (Exam oriented works)
·         Language training
·         Improving the communicative skill
·         Give a thorough orientation on how to behave to their German partners
December ‘19
Exam oriented practice and preparations.
Regular online language practice  - 1st Model Exam
Text book- Planet A2, Practice book ‘Get Ready’
January ‘20
Exam oriented practice and preparations.
Regular online language practice  - 2nd Model Exam
Text book- Planet A2, Practice book ‘Get Ready’
February ‘20
 Exam oriented practice and preparations.
Regular online language practice
Text book- Planet A2,  Practice book ‘Get Ready’

Facilitators’ name: Devi Balan
Textbook: Planet A2
Resources: Hallo Deutsch, Get Ready, Team Deutsch, WIR Plus, Schritt für Schritt ins Grammatikland, Fit in Deutsch A2, Fit fürs Zertifikat B1, Worksheets provided from the German Institute (Goethe-Zentrum, Trivandrum).


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